Originally posted by Pramod Chopra
Originally posted by rajcanada
Originally posted by jigz787
Thank you Mr. Pramod.
I appreciate your research.
Moderators, Can you tell us if the IP address is same for username \"nadeejohn\" and \"khan786786\" ?
If IPs are same, somebody gotta do something.
Seems like many of the posts from nadeejohn have been deleted.
Please protect our fallow members from any scam.
With his username \"nadeejohn,\" he was very pushy and made multiple posts a day on different threads claiming that you can make $1000 a day with very little investment, spamming the board. So he was banned for spamming and not because he is a scam. Nobody knows that for sure if it is a scam. Khan786786 is in all probability the same person. You do not need an IP address for that.
What he does not tell you is that you could lose a $1000 a day too if things do not go as predicted.
People who are going to the meeting should post their views of what they think it is.
Exactly the reason I posted these links as at that time you deleted his posts because he seemed to be 'pushy' and 'selling' some soft ware for dealing in FX.
But it seems that some 'esteemed' member 'advocate' and 'justify' duplicate IDs on the board which arouse the suspicion that there may be other 'duplicate' IDs as well.
Originally posted by investpro
Good reply Khan,
No harm in having more than one id . According to several polls it's the norm..............................
However, If Mr. Khan, as he mentioned in his numerous posts, is imparting knowledge of trading in Foreign Exchange without asking for any thing in returns, then his generosity is welcomed. In fact, if time and Mr. Khan permit, I would also like to attend this seminar.
I hope other members who are going to attend this seminar would be benefited with the 'knowledge' imparted by Mr. Khan and the members would certainly post their views here.
Originally posted by Pramod Chopra
Originally posted by rajcanada
Originally posted by jigz787
Thank you Mr. Pramod.
I appreciate your research.
Moderators, Can you tell us if the IP address is same for username \"nadeejohn\" and \"khan786786\" ?
If IPs are same, somebody gotta do something.
Seems like many of the posts from nadeejohn have been deleted.
Please protect our fallow members from any scam.
With his username \"nadeejohn,\" he was very pushy and made multiple posts a day on different threads claiming that you can make $1000 a day with very little investment, spamming the board. So he was banned for spamming and not because he is a scam. Nobody knows that for sure if it is a scam. Khan786786 is in all probability the same person. You do not need an IP address for that.
What he does not tell you is that you could lose a $1000 a day too if things do not go as predicted.
People who are going to the meeting should post their views of what they think it is.
Exactly the reason I posted these links as at that time you deleted his posts because he seemed to be 'pushy' and 'selling' some soft ware for dealing in FX.
But it seems that some 'esteemed' member 'advocate' and 'justify' duplicate IDs on the board which arouse the suspicion that there may be other 'duplicate' IDs as well.
Originally posted by investpro
Good reply Khan,
No harm in having more than one id . According to several polls it's the norm..............................
However, If Mr. Khan, as he mentioned in his numerous posts, is imparting knowledge of trading in Foreign Exchange without asking for any thing in returns, then his generosity is welcomed. In fact, if time and Mr. Khan permit, I would also like to attend this seminar.
I hope other members who are going to attend this seminar would be benefited with the 'knowledge' imparted by Mr. Khan and the members would certainly post their views here.
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