Thanks Freddie.
So my understanding is correct ? My language Proficiency score is 12 ( as per new IELTS score system)
Do you ever get tired of posting the same question ? My God !!
This individual's application from within Canada was thrown out and he lost the application fee also. Now he wants to make sure each step of he way and try apply all over again and get in. Hence the multiple postings and repeats.
I want to help him as best as I can without loosing my patience. Hence I leave his postings on to the board for a day and then come back to see if some one will help him first and then if no one comes forward, I jump in to help him. Hope he picks up courage to apply all over again.
Also he has an employer who has him on a leash and might offer him a job and he can enter here on a work permit. But things are not looking up for any one here and hence the position he is in is so awkward, has got him in two different boats and the hesitation on his part.
Hope it makes some sense.
Hello Freddie,
You know my situation very well and this time, I don't want repeat any mistake and dont want to given then any open question. So asked questions to all you experts..
I will apply a fresh new application this Apr, 2009 from India..and I have all supporting documents except Employer letter..For that i am in touch with my company concern dept...Hope to get it very soon..
Once Again thanks to every one who helped me and keep their patience..
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