I m a new immigrant and cleared my G1 written test last week. They v also accepted my one year experience (although my license was 10 years old and I asked them to accept two years) and I m eligible for the G1 road test now.
The question is that someone advised me to get two years experience and go for G2 road test and get G license instead of G2 license after G1 road test as he said that its going to be cheaper while insuring. Is it so. please guide.
Shall I try to go for roadtest to get G2 license and get the car or should I make some extra efforts and try getting G direct (if they accept my 2 yr license).
1. If you can clear G test in first attempt itself, go for it. But if you fail in the first attempt, you will have to give G2 test and then G. Each test costs you money. The decision is yours. If you have driven in NA or on expressways in other countries with Left Hand drive, G test might be possible.
2. The insurance rates are marginally lower. It is already difficult to get insurance for a new driver here.
For lower rates, if you qualify - try acquiring membership of some professional association. Those associations have affiliations with some Auto insurers and offer better rates.
Good luck.
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