Pro-Life? What an hypocracy!

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Member since: Jan 09
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-03-10 22:24:45

While watching debates over debates on healthcare many americans, democrats/republicans were making such a hype over abortion and pro-life issue that if the bill was passed it will force all the pregnant woman to abort a child.
It is very surprising that for these gun lover/animal killers a thought of a life of animal does not even come to their mind?:confused: :cuss:
A life of human is a life and not a life of animal..these guys cannot live without eating meat, kill animals just for the sake of fun and talk about being pro-life..what a hyprocacy..
If you want to eat meat, it is disgusting to even say you are a pro-lifer...:down:
One Cannot stop folks from eating meat if that is the culture but at least don't make the claims that you are a pro-lifer..
I feel paranoid myself...

Member since: Jan 06
Posts: 412

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 04:49:53

I am just touching the issue of meat eating. There are tons of people eating meat but very nice, on the other hand ...

So, in my opinion; a person eating meat may have all respect and complete human values. Hypocracy is when one doe's not eat meat but may not be a nice person. eating this or that has no relation with ones deeds.

Some says there is life even in plants, and milk is just another form of animal fat; so ...


Member since: Jan 09
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 07:42:54

Looks like I need to improve on my writing skills to deliver the intended message.
Original post deos not mention that meat eaters are bad people or not nice people. Even cannibals could be nice people.
I was just making a comment on respect for life ...any kind..
(also mentioned myself being too paranoid)

Member since: Nov 08
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 10:20:55

There is a more sensitive issue below the usual mudslinging between Republicans and Democrats.

If you go back and study the US history since time immemorial the concept of life has been hotly debated.

I strongly suggest that persons who have interest in history should study the constitutions of USA, Canada and compare it to India.

Many of such books are put up on sale at Walmart. There are plenty of books available which talk about how stalwarts sat together and thrashed out the wordings for the constitution of USA.

The constitution of USA does gaurantee one's freedom to defend themselves upon attack and hence comes the need for carrying firearms.

The same way the concept of abortion, that is termination of life(the jury is out when does the life start 3 weeks ? or more) is still being fiercely debated and the last one was that of Roe V/s Wade where the famous judgement was given out on abortion.

When we look at India with a population of 1.3 Billion we donot value LIFE. The west values life and would go out of the way to rescue/save lifes while in India we are only concerned when it is a headline news. The death of persons does not even make the headline/frontpage news until a few hundreds die.While in the west even a single life is mourned and respected.

I can gaurantee you that if you do a comparative study on Indian, US and Canadian constitution, you will definitely find that the Indian constitution is a very nascent constitution and needs a lot of updating. Many a times our constitution is something like a rehash of the British constitution.

Which once again raises the question (akin to Canada should the O! Canada needs to be modified ?) whether we need to change the Indian constitution. Eventhough it is a document upon which nations are built sometimes when it doesnot reflect the need of the times it should be reworked.

As again as I preach !*%! in CD and also as wanted by BJP, Hindutva forces in India we need to rework the constitution of India and make one uniform document that will reflect the population as a whole and not by groups.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 10:55:24

Originally posted by Vandematram

When we look at India with a population of 1.3 Billion we donot value LIFE. The west values life and would go out of the way to rescue/save lifes while in India we are only concerned when it is a headline news. The death of persons does not even make the headline/frontpage news until a few hundreds die.While in the west even a single life is mourned and respected.

Your views are idealistic. Do you believe the government has the right to rule on a persons' right to abort/not abort a child? In some countries abortion is illegal. In others, like canada, it is legal. In some states of the US, in the past, it was illegal to sell birth control to married couples.

Although the issue of abortion can be looked at from any discipline, in North America, particularly in the US, it is a religious and political debate.

Pro-choicers believe that a woman has the right to decide what happens to her body. Pro-lifers believe terminating a pregnancy is akin to murder.

Its always going to be a hot topic because people tend to feel very strongly on one side. Here is something interesting from wikipedia:

"In the U.S., violence directed toward abortion providers has killed at least eight people, including four doctors, two clinic employees, a security guard, and a clinic escort.[5]

March 10, 1993: Dr. David Gunn of Pensacola, Florida was fatally shot during a protest. He had been the subject of wanted-style posters distributed by Operation Rescue in the summer of 1992. Michael F. Griffin was found guilty of Dr. Gunn's murder and was sentenced to life in prison.

August 21, 1993 Dr. George Patterson, was shot and killed in Mobile, Alabama, but it is uncertain whether his death was the direct result of his profession or rather a robbery.[6] [7]

July 29, 1994: Dr. John Britton and James Barrett, a clinic escort, were both shot to death outside of another facility in Pensacola. Rev. Paul Jennings Hill was charged with the killings. Hill received a death sentence and was executed September 3, 2003.

December 30, 1994: Two receptionists, Shannon Lowney and Lee Ann Nichols, were killed in two clinic attacks in Brookline, Massachusetts. John Salvi, who prior to his arrest was distributing pamphlets from Human Life International,[8] was arrested and confessed to the killings. He died in prison and guards found his body under his bed with a plastic garbage bag tied around his head. Salvi had also confessed to a non-lethal attack in Norfolk, Virginia days before the Brookline killings.

January 29, 1998: Robert Sanderson, an off-duty police officer who worked as a security guard at an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, was killed when his workplace was bombed. Eric Robert Rudolph, who was also responsible for the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing, was charged with the crime and received two life sentences as a result.

October 23, 1998: Dr. Barnett Slepian was shot to death at his home in Amherst, New York. His was the last in a series of similar shootings against providers in Canada and northern New York state which were all likely committed by James Kopp. Kopp was convicted of Dr. Slepian's murder after finally being apprehended in France in 2001.

May 31, 2009: Dr. George Tiller was shot and killed as he served as an usher at his church in Wichita, Kansas."

~ Morning rain

Member since: Jan 09
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 11:57:46

I think the discussion again going in a different direction of abortion/Human life Vs Life in general. I guess the only religion truely of values life is Budhism/Jainism and some Hinduism. By making this statement, again the topic would divert to religion.

Originally posted by Vandematram

When we look at India with a population of 1.3 Billion we donot value LIFE.

Is WE=Governtment in the above statement? then yes I would kind of agree but I guess any human values the human life (very very minute exceptions). Majority of population in India still prefers being vegeterian because of the value for Life.
Again the the only thing that I wanted to point out was why call yourself pro-lifer when you take at least one life every day?
It sounds more like a Gandhivadi who is a contract killer by profession.
Yeah yeah agreed the argument does not suite well here...

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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-03-10 12:54:06

IMO, you are evaluating Christian beliefs from Hindu viewpoint.

In India, a country with majority Hindu population, abortion is legal and is practised as a method of family planning. In Christianity, eating meat isn't a sin, but killing a foetus is.

I believe most of Buddhist are meat-eaters, including Buddha, who was poisoned through pork. In Hinduism, only Brahmins (that too only in few states) are vegetarian.

I think your views are just a cultural shock (if you are relatively new to Canada). It took me quite a while to realise/adjust to fact that for most of people, meat was necessary in both meals. For them, vegetarianism is a shocking concept!! I still have trouble explaining people what being vegetarian means, Most of them still believe I survive on salads.

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