I understand that any valid driving license from outside country is valid in ON for 60 days, I spcifically ask to guide whether getting Int'l driving license from India makes any difference? or its the same .
It costs me 30$ in INR TO OBTAIN THE SAME. if it is not valid for more longer period, it is no use to go for the same here.
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An international Driving license s valid for upto ayear from date of issue. However, the insurance premia you would end paying while hiring a vehicle on IDL is very high. Also remember that India we drive on left side whereas it is right hand side driving here.
Hope this answers your query. I got an IDL while getting here and this is out of my experience. Good Luck.
What goes around comes around...
It depends on why you need it. If you think that can give you extra credits for getting your local DL, then the answer is NO. But if you plan to rent a vehicle and drive immed upon landing here, then it is a good thing to carry.
As far as getting credits for local DL is concerned, make sure that you carry your Indian DL wch should be issued at least 3 years or more prior to you landing here. If you do not have one, make sure to get a back dated fabricated DL. Coz this will give you exemption from one yr waiting period after getting your learner's DL.
If you are married, and your wife is also coming with you, make sure to get a similar Indian DL for her as well.
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