Visitor visa for USA

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Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 225

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-12-04 13:53:23

Hello CD members,

Currently I am on the study permit in Canada and planning to apply for the visitor visa for USA. I don't have a canadian visitor/student visa (stamped in my passport) to enter in Canada. I just have study permit by which I can stay here and study, but cannot enter Canada. I have few questions regards with the above mentioned matter of US visitor visa.

1) Do I need to get the canadian visa to enter Canada or I can apply for the US visitor visa first? If i do that, is there any risk to get rejection from US consulate as I don't have visa to enter Canada? What you guys say should I get canadian visa first and than apply for US visitor visa?

2) I am planning to apply from Ottawa and not from Toronto office. For this do I have to give solid reason why I applied through Ottawa office for US visitor visa and not Toronto Office?

3) Can I get appointment and everything done before Christmas so I can tell that I want to visit US for Christmas vacation?

Anyother suggestions will be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-12-04 14:57:27

Orginally posted by indianguy
1) Do I need to get the canadian visa to enter Canada or I can apply for the US visitor visa first? If i do that, is there any risk to get rejection from US consulate as I don't have visa to enter Canada? What you guys say should I get canadian visa first and than apply for US visitor visa?

How will you get a Canadian visa stamp on your passport without leaving Canada.
AFAIK, visas are issued only by consulates abroad.
How did you originally enter Canada?

Maybe I am wrong and someone can correct me.

But if you don't have a way of returning to Canada, then your US visa application is very likely to be rejected.
They will ask you to apply for a US visa from your home country.

2) I am planning to apply from Ottawa and not from Toronto office. For this do I have to give solid reason why I applied through Ottawa office for US visitor visa and not Toronto Office?
Where do you live?
If you live in Toronto, you cannot apply in Ottawa.

Been there, done that.

Don't waste your money.
They will take your money then look at your home address and tell you to go back and apply in Toronto.

If you want to be sure, call their 900 number and ask.

3) Can I get appointment and everything done before Christmas so I can tell that I want to visit US for Christmas vacation?
They are usually pretty full up.
Check the following websites for current schedules:

Usually they are booked upto 2 months in advance.

All the best.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 181
Location: Toronto ,Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-12-04 16:00:53

check this" target="_blank">

2. I've seen so many friends getting visa from ottawa even though they are living in toronto so it wont' be a problem and for excuse you could say that you were not getting any appointment

3. Check their website to get appointment

Take care

Sukhwinder Singh

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-12-04 16:34:38

Orginally posted by sukh
2. I've seen so many friends getting visa from ottawa even though they are living in toronto so it wont' be a problem and for excuse you could say that you were not getting any appointment

3. Check their website to get appointment

Are you absolutely, 100% sure of this?

If what you say is actually true, then it may be been one rare 1/1000 case that managed to slip past the notice of the US consulate because they do not allow this.

I had explicitly called their 900 number to verify this and they categorically stated that this is not allowed.
They said that the web site will allow you to make a reservation and charge you the booking fees, but once you go for the appointment, they will simply tell you to go back to your own city and apply there.
Then you will have to spend another $15 for the online booking.

The one and *only* exception to this rule is if you have a medical emergency, like needing immediate medical treatment or advice or to attend a bereavement occasion like a funeral, etc.

Other than this one case, you have to apply for visa in the city in which you live.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 225

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-12-04 22:56:03

Hi CD members,

Check the below link.

It says "**Residents in Canada must apply in their own consular district**". How far is this information accurate? I think many ppl from toronto go to Ottawa for visa, still it is valid?

And if I don't get any appointment can I go to Halifax or Calgary or somewhere else outside toronto for interview?

Once you log in, by regestering at the above website, I get another message as below about applying to own consular district.

"Please enter all information for the principal applicant. Complete all fields using full names as they appear in the passport. Enter the address at which the applicant currently resides. Note: Residents of Canada must apply in their own consular district."

So what's the fact? can i go outside toronto i.e. Halifax or Calgary?

Thank you for your time.

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 2831
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-04 09:43:57

I don't understand why this simple point is so difficult for you to comprehend.
The nvars and the US Consulate site are saying clearly more than once that you must apply in your own consular district - which is the consulate in the city you live in.
You cannot apply in any other consulate - why is this simple thing so difficult to understand?

I also told you that I have personally *called* the consulate to verify this and they said that, barring medical emergencies, you have to apply in your own district.

All this said, if you still have a lot of extra $$$ rolling around, then go ahead and book the appointment in Calgary.

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 225

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-12-04 10:12:52

Hello pratickm,

It's not something I don't understand what you write. It not something that I am illitrate. It's not something that I don't understand the simple point I keep asking again and again. It's not something I have extra $$$ and even if anyone have they will still like to save.

Now I come to the point. It something which I don't understand is there are people who went to Ottawa for visitor visa inspite of living in Toronto and got and approval to visit USA, and there cases were not under **exemptions** which you have mentioned earlier. Give me 1 good reason why people are getting visa from there? That's the simple damn point I don't understand.

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