I am trying to fill up the application for my parent's sponsorship and the guide says that a copy of my brith certificate is required as a supporting document. Now the problem I am having is that my birth certificate is in my native language. And at the time of my birth my name was "xyz" and that is the name that is used on my certificate. After a month or so my parents changed my name to the one I am using now. I have the name change document with me and that is in english. Now ISB requires a certified translation of my birth certificate in case its in my native language.
Where can i get my birth certificate translated and certified from? Does it have to be a Canadian office certifying that or the consulate can also do it for me?
Also do i need to submit the photo copy of my original birth certi and also the certified translation?
Do I need to get the name change document certified too?
Please advice as to what should I do in my case and what all documents should I submit in relation to birth certificate and also where do I get it translated and certified from.
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