Canadian Desi FAQ

Table of Contents

Membership and Preferences

How do I register?
How can I retrieve lost password?
Why password reset is not working for me?
How can I retrieve lost userid?
How do I login/logout?
What is the memberlist?
What is My Home?
How do I change my profile, settings and password?
What are My Favorites?
What are Avatars?

Posting and Messaging

How do I create a new forum?
How do I post a new topic?
How do I create a new poll?
How do I reply to a post?
How do I edit or delete a post?
How do I send email to a member?
How do I use the private messaging system?
How do I use smilies?
What are BB Codes?


Is posting of classifieds free on this site?
How do I post a new classified?
What is approval procedure for the ads?
How do I update/delete my classified ad?
Does ads expire automatically?
Can I post same classified ad in multiple categories?
How do I select a metro city for my ad?
Why my ad does not show location map? Or Why my ad shows wrong location map?

Businesses / Yellow Pages

Is listing of businesses in your Yellow Pages section free?
How do I list a new business?
What is approval procedure for the ads?
How do I update/delete my business listing?
Does business listings expire automatically?
Can I post my business ad in multiple categories?
How do I select a metro city for my ad?
Why my ad does not show location map?

Job Center > Jobs

Is listing of jobs in your Job Center section free?
How do I post a new job?
What is approval procedure for the ads?
How do I update/delete my job postings?
Does job postings expire automatically?
Can I post same job multiple times?
Why my job does not show location map Or Why my job shows wrong location map?

Job Center > Employment / Recruiting Agencies

Is listing of employment agency / recruiting agency in your Job Center section free?
How do I list a new employment agency / recruiting agency?
What is approval procedure for the ads?
How do I update/delete my employment agency / recruiting agency listing?
Does employment agency / recruiting agency listings expire automatically?
Can I post my agency multiple times?
How do I select a metro city for my ad?
Why my ad does not show location map? Or Why my ad shows wrong location map?

Job Center > Resumes

Is Resume Posting in your Job Center section free?
How do I create a new resume?
What is approval procedure for the ads?
Where do I get list of my existing resumes?
How do I update/delete my resumes
Does Resumes expire automatically?
Can I create multiple resumes?
Who can see my resume?


How do I create a new album?
What is approval procedure for the videos and pictures I post in Albums?
How do I update/delete my albums?
Can I create multiple albums?
Who can see my albums?



What are E-Marketplaces?
How can I add my online business into E-Marketplaces?


Membership and Preferences

How do I register?

On the Home page, you will see greetings on the top saying Welcome Guest. Just besides that you will see a Register link.  Alternatively On the Charcha page, you'll find the login box at upper right. In this box is a small link titled "Register". Click on it and fill in the requested fields. The only required fields are "Required Information" and "Board Settings", all the rest are optional. Once you've finished, click "ok"!.

Direct link to registration page is here.

How can I retrieve lost password?

On the login page, there is a forgot password link. Alternatively you can directly click here.

Why forgot password is not working for me??

Each time you request for a new password, it will regenerate a new password and send an email to you. If you have tried to request it more than once, chances are there that you might be using the password from an old email. Please check for the latest email with password and use that password only. Best thing, delete all the old emails from this site with password resets and try again by requesting a new password.
if you are not receiving any emails at all, your email address could be wrong. Try registering with proper email address.

How can I retrieve lost username?

On the login page, there is a forgot userid link. Alternatively you can directly click here.

How do I login/logout?

On the Home page, you will see greetings on the top saying Welcome Guest. Just besides that you will see a Login link. Alternatively on the Charcha page, you'll find the login box at top right corner. Enter your username and password and click "Login".

Direct link to login page is here.

To logout, go to Charcha page, you'll find your name on the top right corner with a link to "Logoff".

Direct link to logout is here

What is the Member List?

Member is the list of all members who registered on this site. It is accessible on the Charcha page on the top right corner where it shows membership count and there is a link called "View List" by clicking on "Members" in the top right menu.

What is My Home?

"My Home" is accessible from the Home page and also from the Charcha page. On the home page, in the top left corner you will see greetings with your name, if you are logged in. Just beside that you will see a link to "My Home". On the charcha page, on the top right corner, just below your name you will see a link to My Home.

"My Home" is your personal area. The front page displays community news, any new private messages, and updated Favorites. Using the menu, you can access your Profile, Settings, Messages, and Favorites and your Listings on the site like classified ads, business listings, job postings etc.

Direct link to "My Home" is here.

How do I change my profile, settings and password?

Your profile is what others can see about you, and your settings are options which allow you to customize the way you view the board. To access this information, click on "My Home", then "My Profile" or "My Settings".

In "My Profile" you can change your contact details and biographical information. You can also upload picture (not avatar) with your profile.

In "My Settings" you can change the display settings and other preferences. Under "Configuration", the "Status" is what will be displayed beneath your board rank: you can use anything you like, such as a nickname. You can also change your password by clicking on the link "Click here to change your password". You will be asked to enter your new password twice, in order to confirm you've typed it correctly.

What are My Favorites?

This is also accessible in "My Home", and lists topics you have chosen as your favorites. Please note that if you have chosen "Add own topics to favorites" in your Settings, each new topic that you post will automatically be added to this list.

In "My Favorites" you have quick access to your favorite topics, can choose to subscribe or unsubscribe (subscription means that new replies will be emailed to you if this functionality is supported by the board), and can delete any as you wish.

What are avatars?

"Avatars" is a term which is used for the picture that will be in your profile. This enables one to simply look at an avatar and recognize who is posting without looking at the username.

Posting and Messaging

How do I create a new forum?

Only members with special privileges (such as administrators) can create new forums. Ask your board administrator for a new forum.

How do I post a new topic?

To post a new topic to a forum, click on the "New Topic" button. Enter a subject and description - the description isn't required, but if given will be displayed beneath the subject. You can choose to give your topic an icon in the "Message Icon" row. This icon expresses a mood for your topic. Finally, enter your message. In the "Options" area you can choose to preview your post, attach a poll, automatically make web addresses into clickable links ("Automatically Parse URLs"), and/or disable similes in your post. By disabling similes, any text emoticons you type will not be translated into graphical similes.

Also read How do I use similes? and What are BB Codes? for formatting options.

How do I create a new poll?

Check the "Attach Poll" box in "Options" when posting your new topic. After clicking "ok" for your new topic, the following page will display your poll options. Simply insert the choices you wish to make available for your poll. Please note that your poll will have the same subject as your topic, and that there is a minimum of 2 choices for a poll.

How do I reply to a post?

When reading a topic, you can add a reply by clicking on the "New Reply" button or by clicking on the "Quote" icon at the bottom of a post you specifically wish to address. By clicking on "Quote", the message you are replying to will be quoted within your reply.

Your "Post Subject" will not replace the topic subject: it will create a subject only for your reply, and will be displayed in bold at the top of your reply. Enter your message in the "Your Reply" area. In the "Options" area you can choose to preview your post, automatically make web addresses into clickable links ("Automatically Parse URLs"), and/or disable smilies in your post. By disabling smilies, any text emoticons you type will not be translated into graphical smilies.

Also read How do I use smilies? and What are BB Codes? for formatting options.

How do I edit or delete a post?

Find the post you want to edit, and click on the "Edit" icon at the bottom right of the post. You can change the Subject, Description and Message, but not the topic icon (even if it's the first post in a topic).

We have disabled the feature to delete the post by the members. Only Administrators and Moderators can delete the post. However you can edit the post and remove the content if you need to.

Click on "Edit" once you've finished your changes, or to delete your post.

How do I send email to a member?

You can not see the email address of the members. However you can send emails to members using "Send an E-mail" option on any user's profile page. You will need to find user and click on his/her profile first to see the profile page and than you can send an email.

Please do not send spam to members. If you notice any such activity we may block your account...

How do I use the private messaging system?

Private Messaging (under "My Messages") enables members to send and receive "PM"'s from other members. This service is unique to the board, you do not need to install a separate messaging service to use it. When you view the main index page of the board, the "My Messaging" area will list any new messages, as well as the number of messages already received.

To manage your messages, click on the "My Messages" link, which will take you to your inbox. You can create unlimited folders to sort your messages. You can also use "My Home" to check your messages: the main page will display any new messages received. When viewing a message (by clicking on it), you will have the options to Reply, Forward, Delete, Download, and Save.

To send a PM, there are several possibilities. First, you can click on "Create New" in your "My Messages" area. Second, you can click on the member name you want to send it to (in the Member list, for example), and on their profile page you will have the option "Send a private message". If you use the "Create New" option, you'll need to know the member name you want to send the message to. Then fill in the requested fields and press "ok" to send!

Also read How do I use smilies? and What are BB Codes? for formatting options.

How do I use smilies?

When you create a new topic, reply, or message, a box with available smilies is displayed to the left of your message area. If there are several smilies, the pulldown menu beneath the smiley box will show "View All": select this to display a pop-up window with all of the smilies. Sometimes several sets of smilies will be available, in which case these will also be displayed in the pulldown menu. In both the box and pop-up window, the smilies are clickable: this means that by clicking on a smiley, its code will automatically be added to the end of your post. The smiley graphic will show up once your message has been posted.

What are BBCodes?

BB Codes are used in place of HTML code to create links, insert images, etc. This section is color-coded as follows:
What the following code will do:
[beginning code]your link, image, or text[/end code]
What will be displayed

-And here are the codes:

SWF BB Code Format:
[swf width=244 height=39][/swf]

To insert an image:
your image will be displayed
Note: Please use small images, or this capability will be removed. Thank you!

To insert a video clip:
your movie will be displayed. Please note, it does not support all kinds of movie formats.

To insert a video clip from Youtube:
your movie will be displayed. Please note, it does not support all kinds of movie formats.

To use quote (") characters:
[quote]This board is great![/quote]
"This board is great!"

To create a link to an email address:

To create a link to a website:
[url=]Site Title[/url]
Site Title

Bold text:
[b]Bold text here[/b]
Bold text here

Italic text:
[i]Italic text here[/i]
Italic text here

Underlined text:
[u]Underlined text here[/u]
Underlined text here



Is posting of classifieds free on this site?

Yes, you can post classifieds for free on this site.

How do I post a new classified?

You need to be a site member in order to post a new classified. If you are not logged in, it will direct you to a page to log-in or register. On the classified page, on the classified navigation menu, you will see "Put Your Ad" option. Click on it to put your new classified. We will need to approve ads before they appear on the site.

Direct link to post a new classified is here.

What is approval procedure for the ads?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most ads, however if you are posting repeated ads, or posting irrelevant ads, or using a phony address, or anything that we find not appropriate, we will reject such ads. Occasionally we also check approved ads and update/remove them as needed.

How do I update/delete my classified ad

There are few places where you can see a link to update/delete your ad. You need to logged-in in order to update/delete your classified ads. On your classified detail page, near the bottom of the page  you will see two links - Update this listing and Remove this listing. Use those two links to update or delete your ad. On your "My Home", you will see options for seeing Listings. This listings includes your classifieds listings, and you can see links to update and remove each of the listing.

You can also visit the "Send User Listings" page and enter your email address or user-id and it will send you an email with links to update/delete your listings. If you have spam filter on, kindly check "junk mail" folder, as occasionally our emails goes to junk mail folder.

Do ads expire automatically?

Ads under certain categories expire after 3 months. In other categories ads do not expire and you will need to update/delete yourself. Kindly see above question for more details on updating/deleting.

Can I post same classified ad in multiple categories?

No, you can not do that. If we notice you have posted ads in multiple categories, we may remove your ads. As the site has nice navigation options, you do not need to post you ad in multiple categories. Choose the most appropriate category for you ad and just post under it. User are going to notice your ad in multiple ways.

How do I select a metro city for my ad?

We have database of metros and cities. So just put the proper city name (and not the metro name) in the City field and it will automatically put your ad under the proper metro.

Why doesn't my ad show location map? Or Why does my ad show the wrong location map?

We use a geocoding feature to located your address coordinates and use Google maps APIs and Mapquest maps APIs to display maps and driving direction. Only addresses of US/Canada should work with this feature. Also, if you have provided wrong or incomplete address it will not work. Check your address and correct. If you think that your address is correct but it does not show location map or it shows wrong location map please contact us with your listing ID and listing details.

Businesses / Yellow Pages

Is listing of businesses in your Yellow Pages section free?

Yes, you can list as many businesses as you wish for free into our yellow pages section.

How do I list a new business?

On the Yellow Pages page, you will see a link as List Business. You do not need to be a site member to register a business, however we wish you become a member before posting business listing. This will help you to modify/update your listings in future. However without registering you can modify/update your listings using our "Send User Listings" page. We will need to approve businesses before they appear on the site.

Direct link to list a new business is here

What is approval procedure for the ads?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most ads, however if you are posting repeated ads, or posting irrelevant ads, or using a phony address, or anything that we find not appropriate, we will reject such ads. Occasionally we also check approved ads and update/remove them as needed.

How do I update/delete my business listing?

There are few places where you can see a link to update/delete your ad. You need to logged-in in order to update/delete your business ads. On your business detail page, near the bottom of the page  you will see two links - Update this listing and Remove this listing. Use those two links to update or delete your ad. On your "My Home", you will see options for seeing Listings. This listings includes your business listings, and you can see links to update and remove each of the listing. For some reason, if you do not have access to the email address using which you listed your business kindly contact us with necessary details.

You can also visit the "Send User Listings" page and enter your email address or user-id and it will send you an email with links to update/delete your listings. If you have spam filter on, kindly check "junk mail" folder, as occasionally our emails goes to junk mail folder.

Does business listings expire automatically?

No, business listings does not expire automatically. If you need to remove your listings, please see above question.

Can I post my business ad in multiple categories?

No, you can not do that. If we notice you have posted ads in multiple categories, we may remove your ads. As the site has nice navigation options, you do not need to post you ad in multiple categories. Choose the most appropriate category for you ad and just post under it. User are going to notice your ad in multiple ways. If you need to create a new category kindly contact us.

How do I select a metro city for my ad?

We have database of metros and cities. So just put the proper city name (and not the metro name) in the City field and it will automatically put your ad under proper metro.

Why my ad does not show location map? Or Why my ad shows wrong location map?

We use geocoding feature to located your address coordinates and use Google maps APIs and Mapquest maps APIs to display maps and driving direction. Only addresses of US/Canada should work with this feature. Also, if you have provided wrong or incomplete address it will not work. Check your address and correct. If you think that your address is correct but it does not show location map or it shows wrong location map please contact us with your listing ID and listing details.

Job Center > Jobs

Is listing of jobs in your Job Center section free?

Yes, you can list as many jobs as you wish for free into our job center section.

How do I post a new job?

On the Job Center page, you will see a link as Post Job. You do not need to be a site member to post a job, however we wish you become a member before posting any job. This will help you to modify/update your job postings in future. However without registering you can modify/update your listings using our "Send User Listings" page. We will need to approve jobs before they appear on the site.

Direct link to list a new business is here

What is approval procedure for the ads?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most ads, however if you are posting repeated ads, or posting irrelevant ads, or using a phony address, or anything that we find that is not appropriate, we will reject such ads. Occasionally we also check approved ads and update/remove them as needed. We also do not approve "work from home" kind of jobs.

How do I update/delete my job postings?

There are few places where you can see a link to update/delete your ad. You need to logged-in in order to update/delete your business ads. On your job detail page, near the bottom of the page  you will see two links - Update and Remove. Use those two links to update or delete your job. On your "My Home", you will see options for seeing Listings. This listings includes your business listings, and you can see links to update and remove each of the listing. For some reason, if you do not have access to the email address using which you listed your business kindly contact us with necessary details.

You can also visit the "Send User Listings" page and enter your email address or user-id and it will send you an email with links to update/delete your postings. If you have spam filter on, kindly check "junk mail" folder, as occasionally our emails goes to junk mail folder.

Does job postings expire automatically?

Yes, job postings expires after 3 months.

Can I post same job multiple times?

No, you can not do that. If we notice you have posted same job multiple times, we may remove your ads. For some reason you would like to have same job posted again, you must remove any of the existing ad before posting a new one.

Why my job does not show location map? Or Why my job shows wrong location map?

We use geocoding feature to located your address coordinates and use Google maps APIs and Mapquest maps APIs to display maps and driving direction. Only addresses of US/Canada should work with this feature. Also, if you have provided wrong or incomplete address it will not work. Check your address and correct. If you think that your address is correct but it does not show location map or it shows wrong location map please contact us with your listing ID and listing details.

Job Center > Employment Agencies / Recruiters

Is listing of employment agency / recruiting agency  in your Job Center section free?

Yes, you can list as your employment agency or recruiting agency for free into our Job Center section.

How do I list a new employment agency / recruiting agency?

On the Job Center page, you will see a link as List Agency. You do not need to be a site member to register a business, however we wish you become a member before posting employment agency listing. This will help you to modify/update your listings in future. However without registering you can modify/update your listings using our "Send User Listings" page. We will need to approve agencies before they appear on the site.

Direct link to list a new employment agency / recruiting agency is here

What is approval procedure for the ads?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most ads, however if you are posting repeated ads, or posting irrelevant ads, or using a phony address, or anything that we find not appropriate, we will reject such ads. Occasionally we also check approved ads and update/remove them as needed.

How do I update/delete my employment agency / recruiting agency listing?

Unfortunately currently we do not have dynamic update/delete option available for the users. Kindly contact us with your listing ID and details and we can make changes for your.

Does employment agency / recruiting agency listings expire automatically?

No, business listings does not expire automatically. If you need to remove your listings, please see above question.

Can I post my agency multiple times?

No, you can not do that. If we notice you have posted same agency (with same address) multiple times, we may remove your ads.

How do I select a metro city for my ad?

We have database of metros and cities. So just put the proper city name (and not the metro name) in the City field and it will automatically put your ad under proper metro.

Why my ad does not show location map? Or Why my ad shows wrong location map?

We use geocoding feature to located your address coordinates and use Google maps APIs and Mapquest maps APIs to display maps and driving direction. Only addresses of US/Canada should work with this feature. Also, if you have provided wrong or incomplete address it will not work. Check your address and correct. If you think that your address is correct but it does not show location map or it shows wrong location map please contact us with your listing ID and listing details.

Job Center > Resumes

Is Resume Posting in your Job Center section free?

Yes, you can create multiple resumes for free into our Job Center section.

How do I create a new resume?

On the Job Center page, you will see a link as Put Resume. You need to be a site member to post a resume.

Direct link to post a new resume is here

What is approval procedure for the ads?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most ads, however if you are posting repeated ads, or posting irrelevant ads, or using a phony address, or anything that we find not appropriate, we will reject such ads. Occasionally we also check approved ads and update/remove them as needed.

Where do I get list of my existing resumes?

On the Job Center page, you will see a link as Put Resume. Click on the that link and on top you will see listing of your existing resumes

How do I update/delete my resumes?

On the Job Center page, you will see a link as Put Resume. Click on the that link and on top you will see listing of your existing resumes with edit and delete options with each of the resumes posted by you.

Does Resumes expire automatically?

No, resumes do not expire automatically. If you need to remove your resumes, please see above question.

Can I create multiple resumes?

Yes, you can do that. However you will need to do that when you are creating resumes for different purpose. Put same resume multiple times will not look professional and we may remove such resumes.

Who can see my resume?

Anybody visiting our site can see your resume. However your name and contact details will be hidden from them. Only way they can contact you is a page on our site, which send you an email. However if you have provided your contact details such as phone number, address and/or email address in the "Resume in Plain Text" field, you have exposed yourself to the world of potential spammers and marketers. Please never post your contact details in the "Resume in Plain Text" field.


How do I create a new album?

On the Albums page, you will see a link as Put Resume. You need to be a site member to create an album.

Direct link to create a new album is here

What is approval procedure for the albums?

In most cases we approve ads once every two business days. We try to approve most of the albums, however we reject any material that is offensive/inappropriate/vulgar.

How do I update/delete my albums?

Below each picture or Video you can see Remove link. The only thing you can update on your pictures/videos is the title, which you can directly do on the repsective display page.

Can I create multiple albums?

Yes, you can do that. 

Who can see my albums?

Anybody visiting our site can see your albums. They are also searchable by search engines.



What are E-Marketplaces?

E-Marketplaces are online shops provides various kinds of services and goods. We do have quite a large variety of stores ranging from apparel to electronics to sports to careers. Please note, those stores are external entities from CanadianDesi, however we do affiliate marketing for them. Your purchases from these stores will help us maintaining this site. Thanks.

How can I add my online business into E-Marketplaces?

Kindly contact us.


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Site designed, developed and maintained by Marg eSolutions Inc.