please Help regarding accident

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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 518
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-04-09 22:47:15


Today, I was going west of winnipeg. Roads were clear so was going 95/100 km/hr. Suddenly, I saw pile of snow on the roads with black ice, (bcz it was windy so some snow came out of the field and was piled) I slowed down my car and but started dancing and finally went out of control, with grace of god nothing happend and my car was on the side of road. That time, I was trying to take my car out of ditch, but couldnt and i checked that two tires were stuck in snow and one car stopped and asked for help i said i need bit push to my car, so i asked my wife to drive and me and other lady pushed car out of ditch. now, i said thanks and she was leaving, and my wife went back to passanger side, everyone on the road were looking and i was waiting for rightmoment so i can start driving, but road was too bad so i was going slow as soon as i started driving, one 4X4 truck was coming behind me and he was about 30 feets frm me and he saw my car was slowed so may be he stopped, or slowed it down, and other car from his back hit the truck so hard and that car went to ditch, thank god nothing happen to anyone,

Now that 4X4 driver says

- I was sopped in the middle of road, while I was already driving
-Hazardous lights were on-Flashing- he says he didnt see and ifact , that lights were still on and i showed him
-That lady, agreed and said that hazardous lights were on
-Road was really slippery so i was going slow , didnt stop
-He was 30 feets behind me when accident happen, he could have speed up to avoid accident
-He also said that he didnt know other car was coming so fast
-Now that other car is totally damage
-at that time my wife was feeling shortness of breath bcz of the incident and it was windy
-So I just took other witness's number and I asked that lady that do you want my witness or call 911, but they said no.

I didnt take their phone number but they took mine, I only have one witness's phone number

-I was thinking what should i do? Should i report this to Police bcz i left the incident bcz of my wife,i wanted to go to hospital first, so didnt think that time that they can blame me?

At that time one nurse was there too, she stopped and said to me that you should go take your wife to hospital first so, i gave my phone numbers for witness and left

can you please help me?

it looks like the perso who hit the car didnt want to call police or insurance ppl.


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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-04-09 23:32:21

As long as your car wasn't involved in the accident, you have nothing to worry about. regardless of whether you were in the middle of the road or your lights were on or not, the driver of the 4X4 is responsible if he didn't stop in time and the lady that hit him from behind is responsible for her accident.

That said, you can contact the police, explain the whole situation and get their feedback (which should be the same as above if they go by the book) for your peace of mind :)

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Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 518
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-04-09 11:02:53

Thank you Desi Tiger


E mere vatan ke logo.............

If you want to do something for our country, just dont support corruption or be part of it

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-04-09 11:14:04

DT s right . In a rear end , its always the following vehicle's fault unless the vehicle in front is reversing ........ thats why they always stress in maintaining a safe distance ..... no exceptions ....


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