Discussion on article: Applying for Canadian Citizenship

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Applying for Canadian Citizenship

When you apply for Citizenship,
You must be 18 years old or older, be a Permanent Resident of Canada, have lived in Canada for three (1095 days) of the last four years (1460 days) prior to applying for citizenship, speak English/French and know Canada’s history, geography, system of Government and rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Children do not need to have lived in Canada for three years. If you are the parent of a child who is under 18 years of age, you may apply for your child as soon as the child receives permanent resident status. To apply for your child, you must already be a Canadian citizen or be applying to become a citizen.

You can get Application Kit from Call Centre (416-973-4444) or you can make print out from the website (www.cic.gc.ca).

The Fees of the citizenship is $200, which is not refundable.
Note: If you are not within the condition, your application may be rejected and $100 will be refunded.

The application should be forwarded to:
Case Processing Centre
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
P.O. Box 7000
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 6V6

For Further information, you may call 416-973-4444 or visit website http://www.cic.gc.ca. For all other areas within Canada, call 1-888-242-2100 (toll free)

You will get a booklet of “A LOOK AT CANADA” within the one month of the application for the preparation of test of citizenship and procedure will be completed within the couple of months. As the application is granted, the citizenship and immigration department will inform the day, date, time and place for test. (Below 18 and above 59 years old persons are exempted from the test)

After the test, As you success, you will receive a “Notice to Appear to Take the Oath of Citizenship” telling you the date, time and place of the citizenship ceremony. After taking the Oath, you will receive your Canadian Citizenship Certificate. Adults and children over the age of 14 must take the Oath of Citizenship

As a citizen, you have right to Vote in elections, right to be a candidate in federal, provincial and territorial elections, right to enter and exit Canada freely, right to apply for a Canadian Passport and right to be educated in either official language.

As a citizen, you have to share the responsibility to vote in elections, to help others in the community, to care for and protect our heritage and environment, to obey Canada’s laws, to express opinion freely, to eliminate discrimination and injustice

Canada has had no restrictions on dual or multiple citizenship.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 7
Location: Lindsay

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-02-05 20:27:09

Article is located here: http://www.canadiandesi.ca/article.php?SID=2&AID=24" rel="nofollow">LINK

I want to know has anyone applied before completing 3 years and application being


Member since: Mar 13
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-13 00:04:01

Can I do this after I been here 4 years as a refugee ?? Please MESSAGE methank you

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