California in serious economic trouble !.

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-07-10 12:10:07

Schwarzenegger Orders Minimum Wage For State Workers
CATHY BUSSEWITZ and JUDY LIN | 07/ 2/10 11:00 PM |

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A state appellate court on Friday sided with the Schwarzenegger administration in its attempt to temporarily impose the federal minimum wage on tens of thousands of state workers.

It was not immediately clear how the ruling would affect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's order a day earlier to pay :( 200,000 state workers the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour as the state wrestles with a budget crisis:cry: .

The state controller, who cuts state paychecks, has refused to comply with the order. Friday's ruling affirms a lower-court decision in favor of the administration in a lawsuit filed two years ago after the governor's first attempt to impose the minimum wage.

The latest ruling from the California 3rd District Court of Appeal in Sacramento concludes that state Controller John Chiang cannot ignore the minimum wage order from the state Department of Personnel Administration.

It says "the DPA has the authority to direct the controller to defer salary payments in excess of federally mandated minimum wages when appropriations for the salaries are lacking due to a budget impasse."

But Chiang said in a news release that he interpreted the court ruling to mean that his office would not have to comply with the executive order if it was practically infeasible to do so.

"I will move quickly to ask the courts to definitively resolve the issue of whether our current payroll system is capable of complying with the minimum wage order in a way that protects taxpayers from billions of dollars in fines and penalties," Chiang said in the statement.

The Republican governor issued the order this week on the first day of the new fiscal year because the state remains without a budget, as lawmakers remain far apart on ways to close :cuss: California's $19 billion deficit:cool: .

Lynelle Jolley, spokeswoman for Schwarzenegger's personnel department, said the ruling means the controller's office must follow the minimum wage order.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-07-10 21:32:24

Originally posted by Vandematram

Schwarzenegger Orders Minimum Wage For State Workers
CATHY BUSSEWITZ and JUDY LIN | 07/ 2/10 11:00 PM |

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A state appellate court on Friday sided with the Schwarzenegger administration in its attempt to temporarily impose the federal minimum wage on tens of thousands of state workers.

It was not immediately clear how the ruling would affect Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's order a day earlier to pay :( 200,000 state workers the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour as the state wrestles with a budget crisis:cry: .

The state controller, who cuts state paychecks, has refused to comply with the order. Friday's ruling affirms a lower-court decision in favor of the administration in a lawsuit filed two years ago after the governor's first attempt to impose the minimum wage.

The latest ruling from the California 3rd District Court of Appeal in Sacramento concludes that state Controller John Chiang cannot ignore the minimum wage order from the state Department of Personnel Administration.

It says "the DPA has the authority to direct the controller to defer salary payments in excess of federally mandated minimum wages when appropriations for the salaries are lacking due to a budget impasse."

But Chiang said in a news release that he interpreted the court ruling to mean that his office would not have to comply with the executive order if it was practically infeasible to do so.

"I will move quickly to ask the courts to definitively resolve the issue of whether our current payroll system is capable of complying with the minimum wage order in a way that protects taxpayers from billions of dollars in fines and penalties," Chiang said in the statement.

The Republican governor issued the order this week on the first day of the new fiscal year because the state remains without a budget, as lawmakers remain far apart on ways to close :cuss: California's $19 billion deficit:cool: .

Lynelle Jolley, spokeswoman for Schwarzenegger's personnel department, said the ruling means the controller's office must follow the minimum wage order.

The days of welfare nanny state are over. Creditors (Bond subscribers) have realized the precarious state of budget deficit. California has one of the highest state tax and still face bankruptcy. Every politician has short sight and their horizon does not extend beyond next election. Such a short sighted approach has culminated in Greece like situation. Obama is leading the country on the same path. However, Tea party members are awakening the lazy guys from slumber. Hope in November election, they would kick the butts of Dems for following their policy of Left leaning socially progressive policies when their pockets are empty. How much can one tax or borrow or beg? There has to be the end which now is facing Dems in mirror if they care to look. Dems and Obama has introduced so much uncertainty that the businesses are not willing to expand and employ people. Obama's stimulous money has gone to Government employees and unionized employees like teachers, firemen, police etc. without any cut in salary while the main street workers are suffering. His plea at G20 to persist with stimulus has been rejected by European and other countries which are more concerned about budget deficit and not over burdening their next generation. California is symptom, the disease will strike later.

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