Is the Popular English News Channel Anchor a Pak Spy

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Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-09 02:02:40

Yesterday (Sunday, 11.01.09), at 8.00PM, there was this question hour session involving important former bureaucrats and experts regarding the subject Did Coercive Diplomacy employed was succesful for India. The programme heading question itself was loaded as if to make fun of Indian efforts post 26/11. In addition, the news anchor was able to rope in former ISI chief Durrani. But the most irritating part was that the "celibrity"news editor's table and her wall backdrop was flush with the image of the fluttering Pakistani flag almost throughout the programme of one hour. Was it a deliberate attempt to snub us or is it a mistake of the technical people in the studio or whether her technical colleagues themselves were trying to communicate something to the intelligence agencies of our country on whatever we do not know. But the editor "basking" so much in the "limelight" of the Pakistani flag, who were so much responsible for our tragedies was totally unacceptable. In this context, it will be pertinent to bring to the attention of our defence and intelligence authorities, the news coverage done by this news editor during the 26/11 terrorist attack in Mumbai. Through out the editor was excitedly covering the commando counter attack. At some point we were also surprised to see the person saying about the likely commando action from the rear and also about helicopter dropping of commandoes on the roof. At that point, we laymen audience were only appreciating the excellent commitment and professionalism and non-stop work, without any sleep during the entire night. Or is it that apart from the domestic audience, something was being communicated to the other side of the border. But much later, the "Live" and overzealous coverage did come in for criticism in the newspaper media, especially about the airdropping of the commandoes on the roof, which happened to be communicated by the handlers from the other side of the border through the satellite phone, to the terrorists inside the building. In this context, it will be worthwhile to study the celibrity news editor role during Kargil War, when the news editor got to get so much near the conflict area for coverage. We could see the celebrated Bofors gun positioned and booming against the backdrop of a hill and a hurt solider being cradled in the arms of the news editor. This clipping was frequently used during advt about the great working of this channel, which we also believed. Now in the backdrop of basking under the enemy flag the entire working needs to be scrutinised threadbare. For a person living in far away south india, the position co-ordinates of the Bofors gun may not be known. What about the enemy on the other side of the hill lock. Will he not able to locate the position?Unlike 1971 war, the current situation is happening under the complete glare of the various news channel cameras, which may or may not be good for the nation which the experts alone can decide. But what is most important duty on the part of patriotic citizens is that they should bring to the attention of the authorites any suspicious looking activity by fellow citizens. Whether the person is innocent or not is completely upto the authorities to decide.


Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-09 10:26:45

Which news channel is that?

CBC, CityTV, CTV, Global, CNN, NBC????:h

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-09 12:50:49

Hi 'ramar'. Would you please divide/edit your post into 2-3 paragraphs? It makes an inconvenient reading actually.


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 419

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-01-09 17:14:01

He is refering to Indian News chanel ND.. , No, I do not think she is a Pak spy. Flag things etc, should be some Technical mix up. I saw the entire debate very caarefully.

Driller the thriller

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-01-09 02:00:52

Thanks for your response and the news channel in quesion is already well known. But there seems to be a deliberate exercise in obfuscation by the news channel and the news editor about the terrorists being from the LeT, ISI, the Pak Army, Pak Govt etc., etc. Is the common man getting killed at CST or restaurant really interested which enemy agency sent them. He wants retribution, retribution at the earliest. The enemy must realise that he has touched a 11kV wire and must have their human remains in charcoal form. Only then he will be afraid to mount another such attack. As of now, we resemble the herbivorous animals that we see in the Discovery Channel being devoured by a pack lions or wolves. The other animals of the former just look over the shoulder and continue to graze the ground.


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