Hi guys
I understand that for new residents the basic personal deduction amount should be
(10320/365) x (No of days present in canada).
1.Should this formula be followed for Ontario basic personal deduction also?
2.Should this formula be followed for dependent children for both federal and state ?
Thanks in advance.
1) YES.
2) YES.
Yes it is for you and the whole family.
If I were you, I would use the FREE TAX software(s) made available on the webs. The minute you enter the date of entry (Immigration) it should pro-rate the deductions etc., automatically.
Thank you.
Hi CD's,
Just wondering what would be the definition of Gross Household Income?
Does it include Children benefits?
Thanks in advance,
Originally posted by amarakbaranthony
Hi CD's,
Just wondering what would be the definition of Gross Household Income?
Does it include Children benefits?
Thanks in advance,
Thanks Freddie for your reply. I will check as advised.
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