Interested in discussing transatlantic relations?

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Member since: Oct 10
Posts: 5

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-11-10 11:46:30

The United States Meets Europe: "Beyond Mars and Venus: The Transatlantic Relationship in the New World Order" (Washington DC & New York, 3rd – 9th January 2011)

The United States Meets Europe ( is an active network of individuals from across the world, who have an interest in international affairs, cultural exchange, and the European-American relationship. The forthcoming USAME conference be held in Washington DC & New York from 3rd – 9th January 2011, and will focus on the following theme “Beyond Mars and Venus: The Transatlantic Relationship in the New World Order.”

Both sides of the European-American relationship have long emphasized a fundamental importance of foreign policy and their positioning in the world. Recent events and emerging challenges, including the global financial crisis, the security situation in the Middle East, and the issue of climate change, are forcing policy makers on both sides to reassess their approach to the relationship and its relevance in moving forward. "Beyond Mars and Venus" will explore the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead for the relationship, and will encourage discussion on how both sides can respond to its changing context.

In particular, the next USAME Weeklong Seminar will focus on the following themes:
• The State of Relations: Confronting Immediate Issues and Identifying Future Challenges
• An Increasingly Multi-Polar World: The Ability of the West to Maintain its Capacity to Project both Hard and Soft Power
• NATO - From Afghanistan and into the Future: Managing Security Threats from both State and Non-State Actors
• In the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis: Coordinating the New International Financial Architecture and Preventing Future Crises 
• The Role and Responsibility of the EU and US in Confronting Climate Change: Potential Agendas
• The Dynamics and Impact of Inter-Cultural Exchange within the Euro-American Relationship
The speakers during the Seminar will include:
Alan Larson – Former United States Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
Dr. Ali Ahmad Jalali - Former Interior Minister of Afghanistan; Distinguished Professor at the Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies of the National Defense University, WashingtonAmb.
Dr. András Simonyi - Former Hungarian Ambassador to the US
Amb. Dr. Cynthia Schneider - Professor of Cultural Diplomacy at Georgetown University, Former U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands
Lord Jack McConnell - Former First Minister of Scotland
Admiral James Milton Loy – Former United States Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security; Former Commandant of the Coast Guard
Dr. Karen Donfried - Executive Vice President, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
Matthias Stausberg - Spokesperson, United Nations Global Compact (tbc)
Dr. Miomir Zuzul - Former Foreign Minister of Croatia, President of Dubrovnik International University
The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson – Former United States Senator of Arkansas
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