Colon Cancer

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:08:50

recently there is a lot of talk about the risk and early dedection of Colon Cancer on TV and Newpapers in Ontario. They are recommending all adults above 40 or so to do a Colon Cancer check. They also say that embarassment among males regarding this has led to quite a few deaths in Ontario recently. They say that 2/3 rd. of thos e diagonised could have been cured if detected early.
So what is this hype. Do Asians who eat a lot of curry, meat (like myself) are at a higher risk? Recently (i donot know why) i have been having a lot of thoughts/ dreams about me catching colon cancer. Maybe it is due to excessive advts. in the TV regarding this. I am also seriously thinking of going for a colon cancer check. I plan also to have my bp and colestrol checked.
CD guys! Any explanation/ takes on Colon Cancer and its detection?
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I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 601
Location: Baroda, India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:16:20

TK saab,

Get yourself checked up. I guess the check-ups are free. When you get the appointment is another question.

I do think that people who eat meat are at a higher risk.

Eliminate the doubt & if there is something like cholesterol or bp, earlier the better. Start exercising, if you reduce weight then things like bp, cholesterol should be controlled.


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Member since: May 04
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Location: Miss, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:21:27

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

recently there is a lot of talk about the risk and early dedection of Colon Cancer on TV and Newpapers in Ontario. They are recommending all adults above 40 or so to do a Colon Cancer check. They also say that embarassment among males regarding this has led to quite a few deaths in Ontario recently. They say that 2/3 rd. of thos e diagonised could have been cured if detected early.
So what is this hype. Do Asians who eat a lot of curry, meat (like myself) are at a higher risk? Recently (i donot know why) i have been having a lot of thoughts/ dreams about me catching colon cancer. Maybe it is due to excessive advts. in the TV regarding this. I am also seriously thinking of going for a colon cancer check. I plan also to have my bp and colestrol checked.
CD guys! Any explanation/ takes on Colon Cancer and its detection?
This link is useful :

I read recently that if you take 1 baby aspirin a day it cuts risk of colon cancer by 40% or so.

BTW you didn't add a disclaimer this time. something like do you own research colon cancer may or may not impact you depending on......:D

But my Disclaimer is as follows: Do your own research. I am not a doctor but I wish I was. Taking aspirin has a high chance of curing your headache. As far as curing colon cancer do your own research. Get some answers from your doctor even if you have to go on a hunger strike outside his office.

Disclaimer to my disclaimer: I am not recommending you go on a hunger strike. If you do go on a hunger strike I will not be responsible for its effects.

I have only 2 cents to contribute, not a cent more, not a cent less ;-)

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:34:22

My 2 cents,
You see my disclaimers as a joke. I only add a disclaimer when someone has a possibility of following my ideas and getting undesirable after effects like recommeding a stock...
For colon cancer check, this can save your life in the world.
Anyway, asprin has too many side effects and i would not take it unless recommended by a doctor in INDIA. I donot belive in Canadian Doctors anymore.

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: May 04
Posts: 260
Location: Miss, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:38:23

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

My 2 cents,
You see my disclaimers as a joke. I only add a disclaimer when someone has a possibility of following my ideas and getting undesirable after effects like recommeding a stock...
For colon cancer check, this can save your life in the world.
Anyway, asprin has too many side effects and i would not take it unless recommended by a doctor in INDIA. I donot belive in Canadian Doctors anymore.

OK I stand corrected. But seriously I think I read this in a book which is called You: The Owners Manual.... I cant recall the full title. It is on the best sellers list. anyway it has some good info in it. I hope u take the joke in the right spirit.

I have only 2 cents to contribute, not a cent more, not a cent less ;-)

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-03-06 16:43:22

I was not angry or like that. I just told you the true meaning of why i put disclaimers. I have been repeatedly been warned by the moderators that i canot express my views in the way i want to.
No offence and i took your statement in the right spirit and in what we call in India " The Archi Spirit " (Archi- Short form of Architects/Architecture).

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 601
Location: Baroda, India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-03-06 00:08:27

TK saab,

You don't trust Canadian doctors, your wife thinks that Canadian doctors are the best.

Who wins when you two argue ?;)


Let's make India a better place !

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