Hi Friends,
I am planning to move to Edmonton next month from Vancouver. I don't know anything or anybody in Edmonton. Can somebody give me advice:
1. I need to rent an apartment (preferably two bedroom), how much it will cost and which location, I should look for? My preference is where there is some market (at least groceries), public transport and good school. Any suggestion about apartments are welcome. My work will be in Nisku (near Edmonton airport).
2. Does somebody know about any temporary accomodation for 1-2 weeks. Like in Vancouver, I know some people rent furnished accomodation on weekly basis and is not expensive.
3. Is there any indian community, temple, etc. in Edmonton.
4. What about indian grocery stores and indian video.
5. Any place or organisation, where we can make friends, indians, etc.
6. Is there any public transportation available from Edmonton to Nisku industrial area (near edmonton airport). Or is any CD will be interested in car pooling & I will share gas, etc. cost.
I have lot of other general queries and will post it later.
Thanks friends in advance.
The best place to move for you may be "millwoods" this area is very popular with people from India and Pakistan. They have their own stores.
Personally, I do not recomend people to live within their ethnical group because you need to make friends outside you group if you want to get good oportunites.
Thanks for your reply. I am not interested to live in our own community & interested in living near school, shopping & transit. I have a particular question, does edmonton have any transit facility from edmonton to Nisku industrial area (near edmonton international airport).
Originally posted by granrey
The best place to move for you may be "millwoods" this area is very popular with people from India and Pakistan. They have their own stores.
Personally, I do not recomend people to live within their ethnical group because you need to make friends outside you group if you want to get good oportunites.
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