Originally posted by Val
Originally posted by ujpal
Can anyone tell me what are the usual returns when you start your RESP with a trust where the money is pooled? I heard the money is usually invested in bonds, moneymarket and GIC so I guess in this market it shouldn't be more than 4-5%.
Also, Is it true that if you miss a payment when enrolled in trust, you might end up paying some penalty?
In that case why most of the people go with education trust and not the banks?
Can someoone answer the above question please.Why should people go with education trust.?
I am in a similar situation, I have a RESP from Global and very surprised to know about the penalty/missed payment clause. I have the following issues.
What if I want to go back to India. I can understand the fact that I will not be getting the govt contribution, but why am I being forced to continue to pay the contribution. secondly the returns which I get is around 5-6%, which in my openion anybody can get with little knowledge. Finally if I really move out of Canada, with all the fees which is around 3600 cad, my net returns will be negative. Am I missing something somewhere?
Thanks reaches and investpro for your inputs.
I spoked to the call center today and they told me since I have only completed 15% of the agreement I will have to forfeit 85 % of the enrolement fees approx 3500 cad if I terminate.
If I reduce the payment then also I will have to pay some penalty.
As much as I hate this rigidity, I have decided to continue with the scheme.
Bottom line is unless you are sure of being in this country, unless you are sure you can make the contribution, it's simply stupid to get into these kind of things for a net return of around 5-6%.
Originally posted by Val
Bottom line is unless you are sure of being in this country, unless you are sure you can make the contribution, it's simply stupid to get into these kind of things for a net return of around 5-6%.
Its an old thread but lots of useful information is available here from Investment Gurus. I wish i read this thread earlier.
Investpro and reachash can you guys please give some inputs about 'Heritage education fund'.
My husband has already invested in this and we made a mistake of not researching enough .Is this RESP investment OK? Also while filing Tax returns do we take into account this investment?
Hello HelloG,
Heritage, like most other trust plan, is a good plan only if you are disciplined enough to keep on making the monthly payments sans missing any, o/w you might end up losing the enrollment fees.
There might even be catch up clauses, i.e. if you miss so many payments, you have to catch up on all missed payments.
In the uncertain environment of work and the economy, I usually tell my clients to opt for a more flexible plan.
Maybe you should ask your agent the attrition rate. Anyway, if you've already signed up, unworry, tons of people are enrolled in it.Also perhaps you can ask the agent if you can turn it to a paid up plan at any time.
Don't mean to scare you, just giving you the lowdown.
Originally posted by reachash
There are many aspects to opening an resp accts, like,
1. Age of your child
2. Your family income
3. When did you and your child become PR of Canada
4. How to maximise the lifetime grant of $7200
5. What points to consider while withdrawing from RESP plan
6. How to minimise tax payable in the hands of the beneficiary
7. How to catch up on the grant that one didn't avail of, if any
With due respect to everyone, I would strongly suggest you to call your banker. That person would be able to give you the best unbiased advise.
All the best.
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