Bravo Kenney ! :Minister Kenney announces new citizenship law in effect

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Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-09 00:17:36

Jason Kenney is the best thing to have happened to Canada !. A True Canadian.

Bravo Kenney!.


Minister Kenney announces new citizenship law in effect
Ottawa, April 17, 2009 — Canada’s new citizenship law takes effect today, announced Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney.

The law restores or gives citizenship to many who lost it or didn’t have it due to outdated provisions in past legislation. It also protects the value of Canadian citizenship for the future by limiting citizenship by descent.

“The Government of Canada takes Canadian citizenship seriously,” said Minister Kenney. “That is why we have taken concrete action to help many ‘lost Canadians’ who didn’t have citizenship and that is why we’re protecting its value for the future.”

The changes implemented today mean that certain people who became Canadian citizens on or after January 1, 1947, when the first citizenship act took effect, and who then lost citizenship, will have their status restored back to the date they lost it. Some may have lost it when they left the country. Others, born outside Canada, may have ceased to be Canadian by not taking steps to retain their citizenship.

The changes will also grant citizenship to those who have never been Canadian, but who are part of the first generation born outside Canada on or after January 1, 1947, to a Canadian parent. Their citizenship will be retroactive to their date of birth.

The new law will – with a few exceptions – limit citizenship by descent to one generation born outside Canada. This means that children born to Canadian parents in the first generation outside Canada will only be Canadian at birth if:

one parent was born in Canada; or
one parent became a Canadian citizen by immigrating to Canada and was later granted citizenship through naturalization.
“This important change will ensure that future generations of Canadians have a real connection to this country and the remarkable benefits of Canadian citizenship,” said Rudyard Griffiths, co-founder of the Dominion Institute and author of Who We Are: A Citizen’s Manifesto. “The new law strengthens what it means to be Canadian in new and positive ways. It makes citizenship matter to Canadians and gives it an increased value.”

This restriction will not apply to a child born outside Canada in the second or subsequent generations if, at the time of the child’s birth, their Canadian parent is working outside Canada for the Canadian government or a Canadian province or serving outside Canada with the Canadian forces.

No one will lose their citizenship as a result of these amendments; everyone who was a Canadian citizen on April 16 will keep their citizenship. The government will continue to address exceptional cases individually and on a case-by-case basis.

Consult the CIC website at" rel="nofollow">LINK to find out more about the new citizenship law, including a self assessment tool to help people determine whether they are likely to be Canadian under the new law, as well as frequently asked questions, and a video.

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Mar 09
Posts: 327

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-04-09 15:45:02

Not Really.

See this example:

1) Jackie was born in Canada. While living outside Canada, Jackie gives birth to Angela. Angela’s father is not a Canadian citizen. Angela is born in the first generation outside Canada and is a Canadian citizen at birth. Jackie and Angela return to Canada. When in university outside Canada, Angela has a son, Edward. Edward’s father is not a Canadian citizen. Edward is not a citizen of Canada. Angela may apply to sponsor Edward to immigrate to Canada as a permanent resident (if she intends to move back to Canada). If he is granted permanent residence, Angela can apply on her son’s behalf to be granted citizenship immediately.

*If Angela returns to Canada to give birth to her son, Edward would automatically be Canadian, by virtue of being born in Canada.

Mr Kennedy is implementing previous Conservative (closet) agenda - i.e anti immigrant laws. No wonder traditionally immigrants overwhelming voted Liberal.

Member since: Jun 10
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-06-10 17:07:44

In 2009, Kenney introduced a new citizenship guide which listed the obligations of citizenship as including getting a job and not engaging in “barbaric cultural practices”. The latter section is accompanied by an image of a woman wearing a hijab. Notably omitted from this new citizenship guide is mention of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people. It was later revealed that Kenney had deliberately removed LGBT references from the guide.

The guide does, however, make ample room for Canada’s military history and a recruitment advertisement given Kenney’s vocal support for imperialist wars and military occupations:
- Labeling Iraq war resisters as bogus refugee claimants.
- Barring British MP George Galloway, because of his opposition to the military occupation of Afghanistan.
- Pulling Canada out of the Durban World Conference Against Racism even before the apartheid state of Israel did.
- Cutting ESL funding to the Canadian Arab Federation due to their involvement in pro-Palestinian efforts.

As avenues for refugees and permanent residency are being slashed, temporary worker programs have proliferated under Kenney. Since migrant workers are always under the threat of deportation, exploitative work conditions are endemic to such programs. Workers endure long hours, low pay, the denial of basic entitlements, and lack of labour protections. Permanently Temporary: this is the immigration model that corporations dream of. More people are now admitted to Canada under Temporary Employment Authorizations than as permanent residents, further eroding the myth of a benevolent Canadian immigration policy. In October 2009, the federal government proposed major changes to Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. One regulation limits most workers to a term of four years, after which a six-year ban will be imposed before these workers can return to Canada.

To ensure a constant state of fear and vulnerability within non-status and migrant workers, Kenney has also overseen at least 8 work-place raids in Ontario, where Canadian Border Service Agency officers have stormed farms, factories, and homes. The largest immigration raid took place in April 2009 when over 100 non-status and migrant workers were arrested, detained, and almost half were deported within 48 hours without even basic access to legal counsel.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-06-10 17:41:30

Originally posted by BraveHot

In 2009, Kenney introduced a new citizenship guide which listed the obligations of citizenship as including getting a job and not engaging in “barbaric cultural practices”. The latter section is accompanied by an image of a woman wearing a hijab. Notably omitted from this new citizenship guide is mention of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans people. It was later revealed that Kenney had deliberately removed LGBT references from the guide.

The guide does, however, make ample room for Canada’s military history and a recruitment advertisement given Kenney’s vocal support for imperialist wars and military occupations:
- Labeling Iraq war resisters as bogus refugee claimants.
- Barring British MP George Galloway, because of his opposition to the military occupation of Afghanistan.
- Pulling Canada out of the Durban World Conference Against Racism even before the apartheid state of Israel did.
- Cutting ESL funding to the Canadian Arab Federation due to their involvement in pro-Palestinian efforts.

As avenues for refugees and permanent residency are being slashed, temporary worker programs have proliferated under Kenney. Since migrant workers are always under the threat of deportation, exploitative work conditions are endemic to such programs. Workers endure long hours, low pay, the denial of basic entitlements, and lack of labour protections. Permanently Temporary: this is the immigration model that corporations dream of. More people are now admitted to Canada under Temporary Employment Authorizations than as permanent residents, further eroding the myth of a benevolent Canadian immigration policy. In October 2009, the federal government proposed major changes to Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program. One regulation limits most workers to a term of four years, after which a six-year ban will be imposed before these workers can return to Canada.

To ensure a constant state of fear and vulnerability within non-status and migrant workers, Kenney has also overseen at least 8 work-place raids in Ontario, where Canadian Border Service Agency officers have stormed farms, factories, and homes. The largest immigration raid took place in April 2009 when over 100 non-status and migrant workers were arrested, detained, and almost half were deported within 48 hours without even basic access to legal counsel.

This is the reason I like Conservatives compared to wily Liberals. Compliance with rule of law. Both are anti immigrants but Conservatives at least observe the law.

Member since: Jun 10
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-06-10 18:30:04

they are changing the laws on the fly and their power abuses can affect you also.

Member since: Jun 10
Posts: 4

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-06-10 19:10:51

where is the law that states getting a job is an obligation of Canadian citizenship?

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-06-10 10:19:20

How about reducing the long wait times for Citizenship applications? GTA waititmes are bloody ridiculous

Microsoft - Which end of the stick do you want today?

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