I have approx 15, 000 student Tax credit (federal and Ontario).
Wondering how can i cash it, as this year my total T4/T1 tax deduction have hardly been anything.
I understand that i can transfer it to my blood relatives only but do not have any in Canada.
Can someone suggest a way to cash it for mutual benefit, Like a business who does a transaction with me only on Books and both can benifit.
IF you are referring to the tax credits which you have 'cause of your tution fees, those cannot be cashed. However they will stay in your account and can be utilized for future years when you star making more $$
Can someone suggest a way to cash it for mutual benefit, Like a business who does a transaction with me only on Books and both can benifit.
Reiki Grand Master
IF you are referring to the tax credits which you have 'cause of your tution fees, those cannot be cashed. However they will stay in your account and can be utilized for future years when you star making more $$
Can someone suggest a way to cash it for mutual benefit, Like a business who does a transaction with me only on Books and both can benifit.
Reiki Grand Master
Sir, been here one year in the workforce, and its difficult to make money, hence wondering what do i do with the tax credits
Originally posted by ritz3645
Sir, been here one year in the workforce, and its difficult to make money, hence wondering what do i do with the tax credits
I am planing to relocate (leave) and was making minimum wages as a contractor,
so hardly anything to claim, and making big bucks seems to be distant dream,
Will be thankful if some can assist,
The person for whom i was working as a contractor would also make deductions of Mandatory holidays from the minimum Wage ...eg (Thanksgiving/New year etc)
Hence to a degree my conscious does not bother about legality
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