A short satirical humor on the life of a man:- very true..........

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Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-04-11 15:43:17

A short satirical humor on the life of a man:-

God created the donkey and ordered: you will work tirelessly from dawn to dusk;

you will be the beast of burden; you will eat grass; you have no intelligence;

you are named as “Donkey” and you will have 50 years to live.

The donkey requested, “Oh Lord 50 years is too much, please grant me 20 years”.

His plea was accepted.

God created the dog: You will be the man’s loyal and best friend; you will look

after his house; whatever is left over by the man you will eat: You are named as

“Dog” and you have 25 years to live.

The dog implored, “Oh Lord, 25 years is too much, please grant me just 10 years

to live”. His wish was granted.

God created the monkey: You will hop from one tree to another; you will mimic,

show tricks and entertain the man; you are named as “Monkey” and you have 20

years to live.

The monkey requested, “Oh Lord 20 years is too much for me, please grant me 10

years to live, and his wish was granted.

And then God created the man and said: You will be known as a Man; you are the

only one out of the entire lot of species on this earth that has intelligence.

Using your knowledge and intelligence you will become the master of the animals.

You will rule the world and you have 20 years to live.

The man humbly begged, “O my Lord, you have given me the honorary status of

being a man, but have allowed me only 20 years to live, which is too little

Please allow me the 30 years left by the donkey, the 15 years which the dog has

refused and 10 years which the monkey has declined..

His wish was granted…

So, the man spends 20 years as a man; then he gets married and lives like a

donkey for 30 years, carrying all the weight over his shoulders.

When his children grow up, he then spends 15 years like a dog, looking after the

house and eating whatever is given to him.

And as he gets old, he starts his retired life like a monkey. Hopping from one

house to another, visiting his son or daughter, showing tricks like a monkey he

entertains his Grandchildren for 10 years.

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