Strange presumtive VP pick by McCain-Sarah Palin

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-08-08 13:03:28

A very strange pick. Sarah Palin the gov. of Alaska with just 3 electoral votes. She is just 44 years old and 3 years younger than Obama.
It is veryy funny that McCain lashes out at Obama for being inexperienced and then goes on to appoint for the presumptive VP post one who is as inexperienced as Obama.
Very strange that McCain bypassed Tim and Mitt Romney, the 2 top contenders for the post.
Apart from drawing the women vote from the dissatisfied voters of not seeing Hillary clinton in the race, she is of no use to McCain (IMO)
CD's comments please


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Feb 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-08-08 14:18:55

He's trying to attract female voters, no doubt about that.
But I think it's a good choice - a good gamble.
It may or may not pay off, but I credit McCain with having the balls to take a chance, rather than play safe and pick Mitt.
It also brings a fresh face into politics, which is a good thing.

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Member since: Feb 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-08-08 14:34:29

Reading some more about it, it seems it's actually a pretty shrewd choice.
Ms Palin's been married for over 20 years, which will be perceived as family-oriented, conservative, values, etc.
Husband was a fisherman (appeal to agricultural and farming communities).
Currently is a production supervisor or such and is a member of United Steelworkers' Union (appeal to blue collar, working class people)
Her son has Down's Syndrome and hence some sympathy votes (it's cruel but politicians factor in such things).

"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."

-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"

Member since: Apr 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-08-08 21:29:28

Time will certainly tell. However, it seems like a short term strategy to take focus off Obama.

To add to Patrickm's list, she is pro-life and a life time member of the NRA (right wingers' dream come true). She has demonstrated her pro-life by having her baby knowing well about the Down syndrome.

I too think she is good choice AND.... she loves moose stew. Can't beat that ;)


Member since: Oct 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-08-08 02:38:32

and she is.......HOT ;)

"After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb." (Nelson Mandela)

Member since: Jun 04
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Location: toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-08-08 08:51:30

dont know about the details but she did take the focus off obama..suddenly everyone is interested in mccain's VP.

smile ...

Member since: Oct 02
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Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-08-08 09:39:49

Originally posted by michelle288

dont know about the details but she did take the focus off obama..suddenly everyone is interested in mccain's VP.

Works short-term though. In a week or two, it'll be back to Obama-Mccain. Huge risk, but maybe Mccain was looking at it as a "nothing to lose" proposition. If the general American population has half a brain, he does not stand a chance, especially after the 8 years inflicted by GW.

The BIGGEST question in this election is will Americans let common sense overcome their narrow-minded special interests? Or will the right-wing idiots yet again walk away with an election victory by highlighting a candidate's stand on abortion while the country's economy is in a downward spiral and its status as numero uno in the world is in jeopardy? I consider this election as a vote on American intellect or lack thereof.

Are you there?

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