Jobs in Human Resource Management

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 178
Location: Toronto, Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-07-04 11:04:24

Can anyone please shed some light on how the job market is for people from the Human Resource Management AND related fields (organizational behavior/analysis, consultancy, recruitments, benefits)? etc.

What I would like to know is:

1. What opportunities exist?
2. Is there anything coming up to boost job openings in the field?
3. Does it help to have proficiency in French for this kind of job?
4. What are the salaries like (starting, mid-career, peak-level)



Pray as if everything depended on GOD
Then work, as if everything depends on you!!!

Member since: May 04
Posts: 299
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-07-04 11:08:25

Good Field and attractive pay stuff but you must have Canadian Degree in HR.


Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 24
Location: Scarborough

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-07-04 12:00:39

Any Canadiandesi members presently working in the HRM field in Canada?

I am interested in knowing :

1. Which part of Canada has more demand for HR Professionals?

2. Which part of Canada is populated by good numbers of Head Quarters of international business houses?

3. Degree from Canada in HR - Is it possible through the Internet?

4. Will Indian or Middle East HR Managerial experience count at the initial stage to bag a job offer?

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 9
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 28-07-04 19:01:21


I am an HR and live in TORONTO. If you are looking to excel your career in HR, more important than a degree is probably your CHRP Designation which you would get thought the HR Association of Ontario. You can go on the internet and browse through this website:" rel="nofollow">LINK

You need to take certain courses to write the CHRP Exams and it is not a license such as you need in the profession of Nursing or if you want to be a Physician etc. A lot of the organizations prefer you have the CHRP designation. CHRP is only a designation. First you write the exam and then get 3 + years exprience in HR to be fully certified.

If you are coming to Canada for the first time, It might be really hard to get your first job in HR. However, within HR you can move your career in many differnt directions. For example Benefits, Human Resources Information Systems, Recruitment, Pension Administrator, Trainer, Occupational health and Safety and much much more.

I would sugget you browse through the website and do not invest any money online for degrees etc. Online degrees are not the same as a real degree. I would also suggest that you move to one of the bigger cities in Canada where there are a lot of organizations and always looking for HR people.

Good luck and let me know if I can help any more.

Take care


Member since: Mar 04
Posts: 24
Location: Scarborough

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 08:10:22

Thank u very much for your response. Its a great help.

Member since: May 04
Posts: 299
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 11:19:45

Hi Skali610,

Could you please explain the process of recruiter (agency as well as company) in details for other desi.

Many things are confusing among desi.

I also, in my company i see that one Account payable clerk left due to her contract finished and just next week again i show opening for Account Payable Clerk for six month contract.

My question is why they hire people on contract continueoulsy instead of extend or renew contract of the same person? Company pay huge amount of commission to agency who refer or provide the candidate. Company has no problem to pay hug amount of commision to agency but have a problem in pay reasonable amount to candidate who actually work for the company. I see our company has large HR department and regid process for hiring even though quality of people who they hire is not good.

PLease explain in simple the role of HR Dept and recruiter in the Job market and in the company and flow of hiring process.

It will be highly appreciable if you can give some valuable information on this.



Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 9
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 20:35:53

Hello Kap:

Thanks for your inquiry. As a young graduate in the field of HR, I can only state facts in a nutshell. Your organization's situation brings me to the idea that "only the chief financial officer of the organization can answer this question". The bottom line is that it is all about the $. Often, organization are trying to save $ for overall effectiveness. Recruitment is a very expensive process for many organizations and if the turnover rate is very high in the organization, it is not worth having the recruitment department and it should be outsourced. One other benefit of outsourcing is that employers do not have to engage in providing benefits to the employees. Over the last decades, the cost of benefits has risen to about 30 % of the total compensation an employee gets. If an employee is getting $50,000 per year, the employer has to put in additional $15,000 for benefits. That totals to $65,000 per year. If the same job is outsourced, the employee gets paid $50,000, the head hunter gets $5,000 comission and it saves the organization $10,000.

One other reason is that often, the headhunters are the direct employers of the employee. Therefore, the actual company does not have to worry too much about compying with the employment standards.

These are just some of the reasons that outsourcing has been on the rise. Most of the time, the social values are igonored in outsourcing and it truly has an affect on employee motivation, which in turn could affect the organzational effectiveness.

A lot of organizations, mostly healthcare and non-profit are staying towards inhouse recruitment department.

If you have further questions, please feel free to ask. I hope it helped.

Take care.

Skali610 (the HR Desi)

Contributors: Kap(2) NorthernStar(2) skali610(2) June(1) ChrisSpencer(1) me2canada(1) Oimnadniia(1) Summer(1)

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