Is subletting houses in Canada legal? To make my question clearer please read the following example.
Party A takes flat on rent from landlord for $ 1000.
S/he has change of job location (or any other personal reason) decides to sublet this flat to party B for $ 500.
Now is this agreement between party A and party B legal?
Can party B sublet from party A without the intervention of the landlord of the house?
I want to be party B and still be safe is it possible?
Any suggestions and advise will be appreciated.
I think its legal...........I had that problem and my 'superintendent' advised me on subletting it..although i did not do it but I might.
"Progress comes from deviation".
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Standard rental agreements used in the Toronto area do include a clause about sub-letting. They allow you to sub-let provided that you obtain the consent of the landlord in advance. The manner in which you go about it is also included in the clause and includes entering into a sub-let agreement with your sub-let tenant and providing a copy of the sub-let agreement to the landlord. The landlord may charge a nominal processing fee. If your landlord uses one of the standard agreements, I think the sub-let clause is number 16.
You should have a look at your specific rental agreement to see if this clause is included.
Thanks alot for your replies Azazf and Crenshaw. Taking apartments on sublet agreements does save a lot for us. I never knew that I will have to count and think twice before spending even a single dollar.
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