Good Auto Mechanic Garage in Mississauga!

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Member since: Dec 04
Posts: 768

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-11-05 14:31:24

Based on my experience of dealing with various auto garages in and around in Mississauga which includes Canadian tire in Dundas, Mavis and several Desi/Srilankan Tamil auto garages in Mississauga, I found the services of this Garage to be satisfactory so far and their details are as follows:

Midas Auto Service Experts,

1025, Eglinton Avenue East,
At the intersection of Eglinton and Tomken,
Right behind Village of India Restaurant towards Dixie,
Mississauga, On L4W 1K$.

Tel: 905 624 8815

They charge a labour of $85 per hour, but most of the time the labour charges are actual like 30 minutes or 45 minutes and not adhoc like Desis charge of $200 and also the most important thing is that the parts are under warranty sometimes life-time, are 2 years or 20,000Kms and anywhere in North America. They give you an estimate and stick to it.

They do all kind of repairs. Lastly (not to sound racist) this place is a white(s) owned place and they offer very courteous service. They offer you ride to your work place when you drop off your car. In desi garages you have to wait with the car and even though they charge $45 per hour, you just hang around for hours together and we do not put a value for our time being wasted waiting for them to look at our car. Some times the estimate and the actual cost differs. Many time the product does not carry warranty and you need to come back to the same garage for fixing the problem. Many times they do not give you a break up of the costs. Lastly the most important thing is that if you continue with a good mechanic and create a track record and when you want to sell your car and you need to get Safety & Emission done it becomes ! ! easier !! if the your mechanic is an authorised place for the same.

Atleast two of my friends went here and have been very satisfied by the whole experience.

Speech by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times....

"When we were young kids growing up in America, we were told to eat our
vegetables at dinner and not leave them. Mothers said, 'think of the
starving children in India and finish the dinner.' And now I tell my
children: 'Finish your maths homework. Think of the children in India
who would make you starve, if you don't.'"

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