he won't give u 22pts, lets take it this way.
there are education standards kept by the cic ottawa office. and he can't change it on his own.
it is just to keep ur heart and mind together u r saying that he will give u 22 pts.
but practically he will think that u have 2 yr pg diploma, for which there is no clause in there pt system. but for a 2yr diploma normally at undergraduate level they give 20 pts, so can't say for pg diploma. maybe or maybe not he gives u 22, but my seggestion will be to take it 20 only and try to give IELTS again and score those 2pts in test. and submit the result again to him, as pts are calculated at pt of IA.
u will be safe atleast from ur side, and don't have to take tension of how much pts he will give u.
and one more thing, do write a letter stating ur pg diploma equivalence to masters degree, considering it he may refer to his senior officer.
Learn from past mistakes, Plan for future, Live in Present by Duncan
Hi....I agree he can't change education standards on his own...but let me quote two paragraphs of policy manual...
Para 1
Quote "Officers should assess programs of study and award points based on the standards that exist in the country of study. The Regulations do not provide for comparisons to Canadian educational standards." Unquote
Para 2
Quote "If a Bachelor’s credential is a prerequisite to the credential, but the credential itself is still considered a first-level degree, then 22 points would be
appropriate. It is important to refer to how the local authority responsible for educational institutions recognizes the credential: i.e., as a first-level or second-level or higher university credential." Unquote
Both clearly states, importance should always been given to local education standards where applicant has studied and how they rate the credential...I accept current education table has a flaw to evaluate PG courses but same time they have dedicated CAIPS code (06) for some post graduate, no further degreepost graduate, Agree???
00 none
01 secondary or less
02 formal trade certificate, diploma or apprenticeship e.g. hairdresser
03 other non-university certificate or diploma e.g. registered nurse, denial technician
04 some university, no degree
05 bachelor's degree of first professional degree e.g. BA B.Ed, B.Eng. LLB. MD
06 some post graduate, no further degree
07 master's degree
08 doctorate - PhD
So how come they can ignore 2 years full time studies without any consideration....And about desgining education table to judge the points....as we all knw each country has its specific system to be followed and it is certainly impossible to design any table which covers all the systems....so they have left few things to be decided by visa officer according to their knowledge of local education standards in teh country of study and I am sure CIPS code is exact indication of that point...So I guess it is worth to wait for....
Second, I am already working on idea to send letter establishing post graduate equivalent to Masters Degree to them. I am trying to get this letter either from institute or from AICTE (Apex body of education in India)....So I am not going to leave this issue just like that but will put in more efforts in this direction so we can sort of this issue once for all....Anis
Hi....well, I spoke to my institute where I have studied PGDBM...They informed me that they have been issued circular from Gujarat University stating that PGDBM program of this institute is equivalent to MBA. My institute si ready to give me open declaration with reference to that circular no. and copy of that circular to present anywhere...Friends, do you think this can ba of any help?? Please make sure this will establish equivalancy of PGDBM to Masters Degree i.e. MBA??? Any comment??
You should be OK.
In time spouse's points will also add up?
Hi...Well my spouse has education till first year of college and that is not any dpiloma or trade certificate...so no addtion on that part....
Meanwhile, I am waiting for the letter and circualr to reach me and based on language used (I mean how strong it sounds), I may claim 25 points in total for education....Now I have completed my term in 1998-2000 batch and circular was issued much later...I hope atleast this won't be a issue....rest I am fully assured for 22 points for PG Diploma....so I m on safe boat, thanks a lot...Anis
I got the copy of letter from Institute, it says,
"This is to certify that Gujarat University has recognised the Institute's Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM) program (2 years Full Time) as quivalent to Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with reference to letter isssued by University dated 2002".
Along with this certificate, they have given me copy of the circular from University which is in regional language (Gujarati). So I guess I need to get it translated in english and send them....
So let me know your views friends, will this be OK??Please note I have completed my degree in 2000 but this circular has been dated in 2002 so will this make any problem?? Also let me know how I can get the translated document legalised in India?? Thanks in advance...Anis
Dear Anish, i need yr help. I m also from ahmedabad & want some info from u on urgent basis. if u feel appropriate, v can talk?? i hav few que abt intereview. my email id is :"tvjhaveri@yahoo.com" pls pls do reply.
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