Can someone guide me on how to import a car from USA?
The imp question is - can someone import a car on which the loan is pending? The owner has a title, however, he is still paying for the loan installaments.
Is it possible?
Any help would be great.
If the owner has loan payments , then the Title may not be clean. It may show that the car is still hypothecated to the company where the load is still pending . If that is not there , then look at http://www.riv.ca" rel="nofollow">LINK for details for importing a car from usa to canada
We will find a way or we will make one
Hi Ramboji, Here is a little research that I did for you,
Settler's effects, and vehicles. see the numbers to contact and seek help.
CBSA: Ask and find out from these agencies what are the requirements,
such as : If the car you intend to bring in is pre approved for import. If it
meets with the Canadian Standards for emission test, road safety and
heating requirements for the severe winter conditions. Also equipped
for the Canadain use, and complies with the standards required.
You don't want to get stuck at the border X-ing point for an indefinite period.
Personal effects: Please read through paying attention to B15 onwards and
ask for the free and exemption limits in each case and the tariff applicable to
those items above and over the exempted price limit. As an example: If you are
importing a Lap top, which was in use, and it is a personal use item and not for sale, then, what is the free limit, which means that an item is free upto a certain price limit, then if it is over that price, then, what is the customs duty over and above that price, and what is the tariff, which means the rate percent they charge on the excess. OR a one time fee?
There is no way out of this unless you understand all of these in full or you can
sign and appoint an agent to carry out all of these for a price and if some one is paying the shot for all of this as moving expense, then, avail such facilities to suit the situation or incur the out of pocket expenses yourself and get these conveniences.
Also you can declare some or all of the items as "TO FOLLOW" and settle down
here first, and then, get the balance of items after clarifications, if you find them worthwhile. You will need the original invoices for most of these items and they will determine the period of usage and waive in most cases and let you take them into Canada as settlers' effects. (And if not found compliant to the CSA standards, or the UL standards, there in the USA, they will hold the item for disposal and even charge you for that. So, make sure that they are O.K. for importation prior to doing it.)
Will this help you any?
Good Luck and Bon Voyage.
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