Behemoth Birla opens colossal centre in Mississauga

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Member since: Nov 06
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Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-09-07 16:45:33


On September 6, 2007, the Aditya Birla group, one of the gargantuan companies of India, officially launched its new BPO (business processes outsourcing) centre, Minacs, here in Mississauga, that is to provide customer support services for technology, finance and telecom.
At a morning reception, in its spanking new location on 6655 Airport Road, Ms. Fariba Rawhani (President of North America and Europe for Aditya Birla Minacs), gave the opening speech and welcomed everybody. “Mississauga has the talented and educated workforce we were looking for”, she said. “Infrastructure and other businesses considerations make Mississauga, and Ontario as a whole, a logical business choice”.
Hon. Harinder Thakar (Minister of Small Business and Entrepreneurship) also noted that when one thinks BPO, one usually thinks of centres in India, but it’s a tribute “that Birla has chosen Mississauga to expand its facilities putting to good use the educated and competent professionalism available here.” He went on to explain: “this is the result of our government’s aggressive efforts to bring good jobs and more opportunities to workers and families across Ontario. This investment is a real boost to Mississauga’s economy and demonstrates Ontario is a highly competitive location for serving contact centre customers in North America.” More applause came when Ms. Hazel McCallion, the venerable Mayor of Mississauga claimed that behind “every great organisation there is a great woman” referring to Fariba. “We’re taking over the world”, she added with a smile. She also assured that everything possible would be done to ensure a promising bottom line for Minacs.
Several other personalities engaged the public with informational, inspiring and amusing speeches, including MPP Kuldip Kular, Ms. Sandra Smith(Executive Vice-President) and Mr Jeff Williams(Executive Vice-President, Sales and Corporate Marketing).
Minacs, acquired by the Aditya Birla Group last year, currently employs 11,000 people worldwide. Its new facility in Mississauga, that took its first calls just last week, currently employs 300 people and envisions employing 1,000 people by June 2008 to man its new premises with a capacity of 700 workstations that will run a 24 hour, 7 days a week operation. They will initially provide multi-lingual services as cash transfer specialists, as inbound customer care and technical supporters for wireless customers and for computer hardware.
Thus goes on the story of the Aditya Birla Group, one of the captains of Indian industry, as it strives to make its mark in the global corporate world and to prove that India is an economic force to reckon with. This also shows the willingness and brilliance of Canada to engage in financial relationships with India, an economic juggernaut in the making, and to share its vast knowledge and resources. Here is to many more such ventures.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-09-07 16:56:17

Fine dining lounge 5th ElementT donates to UNICEF

Brother-in-laws, Mr.Vijay Karumanchi and Mr. Satish Sikha, have many feathers in their caps. They have the first bridal and evening haute couture store in upscale Yorkville, called ‘sikha λ tsufa’, which boasts of stocking bridal gowns adorned with genuine precious stones and handiwork done with real gold. They also have a line of clothing designed specially for Holt Renfrew. To add to all this, they also own and run the 5th ElementT, a classy high end restaurant situated at 1033 Bay Street, that is the official hospitality partner of the Toronto International Film Festival and winner of the Vintner’s Quality Alliance(VQA) award for excellence 2007.
However, their real coup is the alliance they set up with UNICEF to celebrate their restaurant’s first birthday. For a whole month starting on Aug 1, the brothers-in-law have donated 15% of their restaurant sales, not profits mind you, to this benevolent organization to help the children of the world and towards the current project UNICEF Canada has underway to fight AIDS in India, to provide HIV/AIDS treatment and fund prevention projects for children, youth and mothers in Andhra Pradesh.
This month long celebration culminated in an elegant benefit soiree at the supernal restaurant on Aug 29, where 80% of the takes were donated to charity. Catering to a capacity crowd of customers of all cultural backgrounds, Johnee S, the wonder chef of the 5th ElementT, and his team gratified everyone with a splendid four-course meal of gourmet fusion food blending western haute cuisine and eastern palate- tantalizing fare. There was live belly dancing à la Shakira and a DJ playing music, adding to the amicable and delightful ambience. Many prizes were also raffled at the end. UNICEF’s regional director of Ontario, Jacqueline Jones, and Mike McClintock, director of UNICEF’s major donor programme, were on hand to thank Vijay and Satish for their magnificent contribution.
One of the prominent patrons, who wishes to remain anonymous, commented: “ It is great to know that entrepreneurial South Asians in Toronto not only have set trends and won awards but are also being good Samaritans and giving back to society.”
Added Vijay: ” We just wanted to help build the future by shaping the lives of our children and UNICEF seems best suited to do that.”

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-09-07 23:12:59

Run against media violence.

On Saturday, September 8, several people gathered in front of Brampton City Hall to protest against the unending rise of violence depicted in all kinds of media including radio, television and newspapers. Sanjiv Pandhya, and his wife Mamta, the two people behind this wholly South Asian initiative, informed the crowd about how research showed that children by an early age of 12 would have viewed more than 8,000 killings and 100,000 violent acts on television alone and how this has an adverse impact on their mental health.
Quoting studies from renowned universities Sanjiv went on to say that “research has associated exposure to media violence with a variety of physical and health problems for children and adolescents including aggressive behaviour, desensitization to violence, fear, depression, sleep disturbances and nightmares”.
Also as a result of studies done by The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, children and teenagers may, due to this exposure, gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems. They may also identify with certain characters and imitate the violence they observe on television.
“The objective of this run is to protest this violent content in TV, videogames, movies and other multimedia products targeted at children and to create a safe environment for everybody”, he added.
Following Sanjiv’s remarks, the audience donned their T-shirts and began their 6th annual run (and walk for those who couldn’t run) to create awareness of this alarming issue. They plan to spread the word to several more neighbourhoods and cities in the near future.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-07 14:49:21

SAJA reception celebrates AMAL’s debut at TIFF.

A cosy reception was organized by SAJA (South Asian Journalists Association) on September 12 in The Library Bar of Toronto’s majestic Royal York Hotel to honour Rishi (as he prefers being called) Mehta , the 28 year old director of the creative movie “Amal” being screened at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), and who is being hailed as Canada’s answer to Shyam Benegal.
Set in New Delhi, “Amal” is about an honest, humble and illiterate ‘rick’ driver named Amal (Rupinder Nagra), who one day, unbeknownst to him, gives a ride to an irascible and eccentric multi-millionaire, Mr Jayaram (Naseeruddin Shah). Instead of bargaining the price, which is the usual norm, Amal actually puts down the meter, which piques the interest of Mr. Jayaram, and charges his rider the exact fare and returns him the change. The astounded multi-millionaire, who is disillusioned with his wayward offspring, decides to bequeath this ‘oddity’ of a person, a substantial chunk of his wealth, and then the movie really begins.
Based on a short story written by his brother Shaun, “Amal: the auto-rickshaw wallah”, the movie is a colourful and eloquent portrayal of contemporary India showcasing its intricate interweaved mosaic of the caste system and the hierarchy of society and has a universal appeal. Amal knows his place and is very submissive. It also illustrates the coming of age of the modern lower middle class woman in the personality of Pooja (Koel Purie) who instead of being submissive overtly manifests non-conformal behaviour. All this is cleverly and artfully done. The movie is not offensive to anyone and will not create debates. As Rishi claims: “the worst case scenario is that people will say the movie is good.” But the real piece de resistance is the ironic twist at the end.
Rishi’s next step? “It’s to make a movie with South Asian actors with a global theme. I made a short sci-fi movie with South Asian actors in 2004 and am looking to make it into a long version.” Well, now we can look forward to a movie that will definitely be ‘far-out’ in more ways than one.
As for Rupinder(Amal)Nagra, who claims his favourite Indian beer is Kingfisher, is currently working on producing a movie on the true life story of a Sri Lankan motorcycle daredevil à la Evil Knievel. He is currently in a relationship with someone, but true to the Amal side of his character isn’t telling!
Vik Sahay, who plays one of the wastrel sons of Mr. Jayaram, was also present and is currently working in a project in LA.
Seema Biswas had flown in from India and to the delight of all the cast and crewmembers brought with her ladoos to pass around! She is also thrilled to have worked in “Amal” and looks forward to working in several movies of all types not binding herself only to socially relevant movies.
Producers Steven Bray and David Miller and Executive Producers Robin Cass and Peter Starr were also present to drink in the pleasant and congenial get-together.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-07 22:35:29

The Sitara- New mega mall in the making.

A New Star is Born- The Sitara!

“This is the biggest South Asian indoor shopping centre planned in the GTA” beams Mr. Gurdev Saini, one of the principal promoters, at the public launch held on September 15th and 16th, at the International Star Walk Buffet Hall in Scarborough, where hundreds of interested buyers dropped in to view the plans and several also booked their units in The Sitara – a grandiose shopping mall slated to open in 2010.
The Sitara will be located at the busy intersection of Markham Road and McNicoll Avenue, a rapidly growing and affluent part of the GTA. It will be about 240,000 sq. ft in area spread over three floors and will house over 500 units of various sizes ranging from 48 sq ft to 4,000 sq ft. where shops and services of all kinds will be accommodated from astrologers to beauty parlours to fashion wear to electronics to restaurants to medical offices to yoga centres and more! A 300-seat Atrium, soaring 2 storeys high, with a modern stage to host concerts and other performances will also be available. There will also be a multi-purpose banquet hall with seats for 1000 guests and adaptable for exhibitions and trade shows. There are also plans on the anvil for several patios to take a relaxing break and enjoy a chai and samosas as you weave through the stores.
Designed from the ground up with South Asian architecture and cultural elements with dynamic exterior designs and attractive facades, it is expected that The Sitara mega shopping complex will be the choice destination for all South Asians. Raja Mahendran, another of the principal promoters, exudes with pride: “We have something for everyone in the family. The Sitara will be the Mecca of spices and silks, the confluence of eastern fashion and western trends, the melodic harmony of Bollywood and Bhangra, the centre where the South Asian community will congregate and the focal point to inspire them to build their community”.
This beacon of light is the joint venture of David Lam, a person of Hong Kong origin, Raja Mahendran and Gurdev Saini. It is a true reflection of the multi-cultural nature of Toronto. For further information contact or call 416-315-9397.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 02-10-07 06:24:24

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar- Guru of Peace

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a one-time disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, was in Toronto from September 20-24 holding workshops for the thousands that came to learn his special rhythmic breathing exercises known as Sudarshan Kriya. Emphasizing breath as the subtle link between body and mind, Sudarshan Kriya relaxes the mind and destresses the body.To spread these wondrous techniques, he has founded The Art of Living Foundation(AOLF).
Coinciding with the International Day of Peace on September 21, a media interaction was held in The Royal York Hotel in downtown Toronto to provide insights into the famed accomplishments of the Guru of Peace. An audio-visual presentation showed us how Guruji and his foundation has helped transform the lives of thousands throughout the world. Several recorded testimonials from former and current heads-of-state of European, Middle-Eastern and Latin American countries also attested to the positive attributes of Guruji’s foundation. Sri Sri Shankar was also invited earlier this year to Iraq to help transform the lives of its affected people. He was also the 1st Indian spiritual leader to be welcomed in Pakistan and has been instrumental in getting the peoples of Palestine and Israel together to hash out their differences.The foundation has also embraced over 25,000 villages in India to improve their lifestyles and give their habitats hope.
After the recorded presentation, the resident Swamiji of the Art of Living Ashram in Quebec walked in with members of the First Nation to brief the audience on their initiatives in Canada. The Natives recounted how the program of the AOLF has helped them gain confidence in themselves. Swamiji went on to explain that “the Foundation has also developed a rehabilation program to help prison inmates, from which around 200000 prisoners have benefitted worldwide.The pilot program in Canada at the St. Lawrence Valley Treatment and Correctional Centre in Brockville, ON, that was recently completed was also a success.” They are currently in talks with other correctional facilities in Canada to aid them in rehabiltating their inmates.
The AOLF is an international and governmental organization in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. It has accredited representatives at the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Vienna. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar also has the honor of being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this year.

Member since: Nov 06
Posts: 1628
Location: carl sagan's universe

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-10-07 06:37:59

Maybe you guys read about how much moolah the Leafs' empire has and how much they add every year.

Well here's a letter that sorta gives a notion on how to improve Toronto's deficit.David Miller is always crying.

Would losing be a good thing or a bad thing?

Confidential files reveal fortunes

of Leafs empire

Oct. 27

It seems the Toronto Maple Leafs are awash in money. At the same time, the City of Toronto needs money, which is why residents are facing new taxes.

Why not tax the Leafs $1 million for every game they lose? Last year, Toronto would have collected more than $30 million.

And who knows? It just might get the Maple Leafs off their you know what, improve their game and bring home the Stanley Cup.

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