Rejects from the USA

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Big Vee   
Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 456
Location: Canada-Glorious and Free

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 12:32:35

Originally posted by JRF

Its not really my business to speak about your patriotism here, If I need to speak about that, what I am doing here.. The subject is ignorance and then annoyance to the fellow citizens. I am not here to deny that I've made my case out of my own personal experience but that was handful.

First a sidebar to the discussion - there is nothing wrong with being of Indian decent and being patriotic to Canada. So when you say "what am I doing here" - remember you belong here. This is your country as much as the next guy.

Now to the topic, excellent orig posting. We have a term here in Canada called Wannabes. These folks from the US are wannabes. Who cares if the US is better in anyway to Canada or not - that is totally besides the point.

Your experience in this regard is not isolated. It may be generalization but for a few folks who end up adopting Canada as home.


Member since: Apr 07
Posts: 458

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 12:41:59

"I felt I became sort of nomade If I can't take what I get when I've moved to Canada hence the change of thoughts."

JRF I fully agree with it.

No place be it India, US or Canada is picture perfect. Why as humans we are always anxious to look for the best....better...and in the meantime stop living. It starts from finding a school for kids…college….spouse….home…country…..the search goes on all our life. There’s never a day or a country where any human can say….”Oh I’ve finally arrived”. The quest is fun…which is life….on the way don’t be anxious just live. This is for the people who bash any country (India, Canada or US).


Member since: May 08
Posts: 73

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 13:07:26

Originally posted by blorean

1. Have you been rejected by the USA? i.e., denied VISA renewal, turned down green card or whatever crap...

No but I left US(second time) only because my wife was able to get a decent job after 2.5 years of struggle here in canada. I after immigrating to Canada from US had to go back(on H1B) as I got tired visiting job fairs, posting resumes etc. I had about 7 years of experience as progrmammer analyst, yet I had to work at Uhaul for $7/hr. I can provide copies of T4 if you feel all of this is a BS.

2. Why did you come to Canada? Were you just desparate?

I came to canada because my desi employer after taking my money and promising to file my green card application, instead filed bankruptcy.

3. Are you going to go back to US? Are you that desparate?

Yes I may go back after getting citizensip.

4. Have you considered going back to India?

I thanked my stars that I didn't have to deal with daily corruption and bribes and lawlessness as I don't have either big bucks or political connections.

The reason I am curious about these that a few friends I know here in Canada, keep raving about how good the US is....and how bad Canada is, the weather being on the top of their list. All these folks are pathetic rejects that still want to go back to the USA...amazing.

I you haven't been there then it's difficult my friend for you to understand. You must live there and then compare for yourself. For instance on 401 I have seen nobody willlet you merge or take an exit. People here are utterly rude. In US it's the opposite. The place which has a comparabele road rage is NYC. I have lived in NYC for about 6 months so I am telling from my experience. But still I would say people are less rude compared to Toronto. Pathetic rejects? Or a case of sour grapes.

\\\\\\\"Why did you guys come here in the first place?\\\\\\\" is my #1 question to them and I often times don't get an answer.

If I had known about all of this my options certainly would have been different. I met a lady working at Blinds to go in Brampton on Queen and Hanson Dr a few years ago. She told me that she was ashamed to tell her co-workers in India about her job in Canada. She was a manager at Blinds to go while she was a beareaucrat(IAS) in India. I asked her the same quesition why she immigrated and her answer was that a rosy picture was painted by the immigration officer during her interview. I have met at least a dozen people working in grocery stores, Best Buy, Future shop etc all professionals from India doing menial jobs just to survive here. I think most of the CDs might have come across this thing called Canadian experience. In US nobody asks you to first go and get US experience or work for free,(volunteer) and then apply for a job. As long as you have relavant experience even from Timbaktoo, you are welcome. I have worked on East coast, west coast, Mid West and even in Red Neck Belt, I still feel US has far better working conditions and less racism than Canada. People to people interaction is very pleasant. Yes to deal with govt and it's agencies is becoming tougher. Especially after Patriot act. Patriot act is equivalent of what used to be TADA in India.

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 13:23:54

--deleted for non relevance ---


Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 13:26:55

Originally posted by Big Vee

Now to the topic, excellent orig posting. We have a term here in Canada called Wannabes. These folks from the US are wannabes. Who cares if the US is better in anyway to Canada or not - that is totally besides the point.

Sure we are wannabes

Waana be treated fairly as a customer
Waana be paying reasonable taxes
Waana be paying reasonable insurance
Waana be buying a house and paying what it's really worth, not what an unrealistic real estate market demands
Waana be paying what the Americans pay for food and other items, not 50-80% more!!!
Waana be ............................................................................................................

You get the picture :p

I completely agree with Cyberian - Americans are a lot more polite in their interaction (exceptions are always there) than people in Ontario. I can't speak for the rest of Canada but in my experience, people from BC, Alberta and Newfie are quite polite and pleasant to talk to as well.

Microsoft - Which end of the stick do you want today?

Member since: Aug 03
Posts: 1205
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 13:29:57

One more thing.....This post is bogus.


Because it starts with the assumption that people that come to Canada from the US have been "rejected" in some way. That's not true. However I do happen to know that a lot of people that get rejected for a US visa in India, eventually end up in Canada. Should we be calling them rejects and losers as well then??? Eh? :D

Microsoft - Which end of the stick do you want today?

Big Vee   
Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 456
Location: Canada-Glorious and Free

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-08 13:42:34

Originally posted by DesiTiger

Originally posted by Big Vee

Now to the topic, excellent orig posting. We have a term here in Canada called Wannabes. These folks from the US are wannabes. Who cares if the US is better in anyway to Canada or not - that is totally besides the point.

Sure we are wannabes

Waana be treated fairly as a customer
Waana be paying reasonable taxes
Waana be paying reasonable insurance
Waana be buying a house and paying what it's really worth, not what an unrealistic real estate market demands
Waana be paying what the Americans pay for food and other items, not 50-80% more!!!
Waana be ............................................................................................................

You get the picture :p

I completely agree with Cyberian - Americans are a lot more polite in their interaction (exceptions are always there) than people in Ontario. I can't speak for the rest of Canada but in my experience, people from BC, Alberta and Newfie are quite polite and pleasant to talk to as well.

Read this again -> Who cares if the US is better in anyway to Canada or not - that is totally besides the point.

I can rhyme off reasons why Canada is better than the US and why US is crap - but like I said - AGAIN;
Who cares if the US is better in anyway to Canada or not - that is totally besides the point.

And US returns are still wannabes!


Contributors: DesiTiger(8) JRF(4) blorean(3) Big Vee(2) Cyberian(2) ashspice(1) brown_bear(1) jonav(1) Fido(1)

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