Hi bharat sharma,
The mess. has come "We're sorry, but you've either clicked on a broken hyperlink or tried to access a page whose Web address has changed.
When someone clicks on a broken hyperlink, our system automatically logs the problem so we can fix it as part of our regular maintenance.
We invite you to visit the main menu and explore our site. Or hit "Back" in your Web browser's toolbar to return to the last Web page you visited."
I think click on main menu i.e -http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-e.html is a chg add.
BTW anyone know how to make text bold (headings). I have tried but........can't get success.
Orginally posted by kjyoti26
Hi bharat sharma,
The mess. has come "We're sorry, but you've either clicked on a broken hyperlink or tried to access a page whose Web address has changed.
When someone clicks on a broken hyperlink, our system automatically logs the problem so we can fix it as part of our regular maintenance.
We invite you to visit the main menu and explore our site. Or hit "Back" in your Web browser's toolbar to return to the last Web page you visited."
I think click on main menu i.e -http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-e.html is a chg add.
BTW anyone know how to make text bold (headings). I have tried but........can't get success.
MERA BHARAT MAHAN (Thats what my wife says)
Many thanks to the informative post from Jyoti. I tried to search info regarding the list of goods to follow questions that I have.
1. I understand that there is a validity period of 1 year by which one is allowed to get in the listed goods on the list to follow. Can this be done in several trips. Since we would be crossing over from Detroit,USA into Windsor,Canada. I would be making more than trip to move my stuff.
2. Can I include an electronic item that I would be owning during this phase. Obviously I may not have a serial number to enter in the list but sure can mention it in the list of goods to be imported later.
3. Also the car, if one is driving in his own car, one has to pay the import fees then and there at the first time of crossing over. How much time does one really have to fullfill other import reqms. like taking the care for a registration/checking etc to the Motor Vehicles in Canada.
I am in the process of finding out other vehicle import iissues and sure will post them here . Appreciate answers till that time.
thnks jyoti,
ur article was of great help.am planning to land up in august end in toronto.i would be in humber college, north campus. will be in touch with u if need ne help.hope u wont mind.
Great piece of advise, thanks for all the hardwork and sharing this info.
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