Child care in Toronto

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Member since: Nov 09
Posts: 55
Location: GTA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-04-10 11:04:18

We are moving to Toronto with a 2 year old boy. Child care is naturally one of our top concerns.

1. What are some of the things that one should look for in choosing a child care centre?
2. Are child care centres primarily just baby sitting places or are they good from an educational point of view?
3. Are montessori schools significantly better? Any specific montessoris that are notably good/bad?

Member since: May 08
Posts: 431
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-04-10 12:51:32

1. What are some of the things that one should look for in choosing a child care centre?


2. Are child care centres primarily just baby sitting places or are they good from an educational point of view?

Daycares are invaluable avenues for the child and parent to get used to Canadian norms related to parenting and to make friends. The child learns what is acceptable or not acceptable behaviour in Canada and picks up a Canadian accent. All these can be viewed as educational. If you mean the 3Rs when you speak of educational.. no, most daycares do not stress educational content. Though they do have a lot of singing, playing, craft, sand play, waterplay.. which is educational for young children.
Of course the most important reason people go in for daycares are so that the child's caregiver can seek employment.

A word of advice.. daycares can be expensive and the best ones have long wait periods. Register yourself in multiple daycares in the general area you will be living in to be on the wait list.

There is also a list that rates daycares in Toronto. I cannot seem to locate it right now but you can look for it on the city websites or I will send it to you if I can locate it.
Hope this helps,

Immigrant Parents in Canada

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