What to teach toddlers at home before moving to India ?

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-08 16:23:57

Hello Cd's,
I plan to move a toddler of nearly 3 years (32 months) to India in one or 2 years. Right now, at the daycare, the toddler is taught almost nothing. Though they must teach rhymes / have activities in the day care, I donot see any appriciable improvement in the toddlers knowledge when compared to a similar toddler's knowledge in India. The parents of this toddler are fully engaged in their work that it has been to hard for them to teach the child anything at home but the parents have realised that we have to set aside time for that. My parents tell me that at age 3, the interview questions for the child of this age (In India) would be to identify capital city's of some countries of this world. I donot think that the Canadian education system can exceed Indian education system (I am not here for a discussion as to which one is better).
Since the parents of this toddler, plan to move the child to India in a year or 2, I was wondering if any CD's could tell me as to how to educate this toddler in Canada so that when the toddler reaches India soon, atleast the child would be in a better position as opposed to a situation in which the toddler grows up in the current condition. Are there any books / specific task that any Cd's would like to recommend.
Would Montessori schools in Ontario be a better option?

Peace out

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-05-08 23:10:29

Dont worry. This child will learn on his/her own that when the going gets tough..they are commodities to be passed off to other relatives to raise.

honestly... your 'question'..to me seems like a thinly veiled method of putting your opinions ..YET AGAIN..of the canadian education system..and how India is so much better.

You have posted here before that you are a parent of an infant and that you have thought about sending your kid to India. I am not a parent..but I would have thought that a parent would have so many reservations and doubts and thoughts of being separated from their beloved child that a small issue like 'what they learned in Canada at the age of 3..." would mean very little. gosh..THREE. what do you expect from a three year old??????????

Since ur toddler will be going to india ANYWAY..they will catch up!

~ Morning rain

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 06:28:37

I hope this toddler is actually your child. If not, you sound like an owner of a child trafficking business.

As far as the development of the child, Canada or India is not the problem or solution. The parents are. For starters, take some loving ownership of your child rather than referencing the child as a "toddler". Then spend time with your child. Day cares are a supplement, not the core, not to mention the quality of the day care depends on a lot of factors.

For books and videos, have you tried the public library?


Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 10:08:55

All I wanted to know was that if you were the parent of a 32 month old toddler in India, how would you start teaching him / her the Indian way?

I canot recall my experience of studying / being taught as a 3 year old as my mother was suffering from depression and we were pertty much left to be taught by the govt. school in that area which were in remote villages. Also I donot recall seeing anyone teaching their 3 year olds during my growing up age / present age.
Any further pointers?

Peace out

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 11:17:36

You can teach English and Tamil alphabets, nursery rhymes in English and Tamil, numbers, etc.

If I can find any more information how things stand in India as of now, I can let you know. Expections from 3 to 4 year old might be too high in India.

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Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 11:40:10

Originally posted by dimple2001

I hope this toddler is actually your child. If not, you sound like an owner of a child trafficking business.

This is a pretty strong comment in response to TK's simple question. The guy only asked a normal question. Why post-mortem it, if can't answer?

TK, if this kid is going to India, then my suggestion is to start at home. Buy some book for that age. You can get those from Chapters. As well, you can develop a training schedule or a few basic manuals to teach kids yourself.

Guys, let's not underestimate India. Each year, parents have difficulties admitting their child to KG. Ask their horror stories of interview and they will let you know what the school authorities ask when interviewing the child of that age. They want the child of that age to know everything. I personally think it's absurd.

But, as mentioned earlier, start from home. Develop a sound and self instructional/training manual as you yourself might know the level of the kid in question.

Good luck in your endeavors.

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-05-08 11:53:32

Originally posted by febpreet

Originally posted by dimple2001

I hope this toddler is actually your child. If not, you sound like an owner of a child trafficking business.

This is a pretty strong comment in response to TK's simple question. The guy only asked a normal question. Why post-mortem it, if can't answer?

IMHO, dimple's comment was quite legitimate if you read carefully what TK has written in his OP.

Originally posted by TK
I plan to move a toddler of nearly 3 years (32 months) to India in one or 2 years.

And what does he really mean by saying that they teach nothing - is he expecting teaching History or Geography of the world to a 32 months old toddler??

And then again, how many of us remember what we were taught when we were 32 months old in India - atleast I do not recall anything simply because I do not even recall a wedding in my house when I was 3 years old!


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