Nirbhaya gets justice?

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Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-13 06:48:58

After 9 months of dragging in the "fast track" court, crime against Nirbhaya has been acknowledged, by the judge while handing over death sentence to 4 of the 6 rapists.

If the death sentence had been handed out in 9 days we can call it fast track. What has been done is bullock cart track. Common man should be happy at least this has happened.

Now as usual it will go to the High Court, then to the Supreme Court, then mercy petitions etc.

If after everything, if only the criminals get hanged, we can say Nirbhaya got some justice. Her death wish was that the rapists should be burnt alive.

Meanwhile, our law makers will do nothing to change the status quo which is now in favor of the wrongdoers. May be, they get a rewind of their own past whenever such cases are reported in the media.


Member since: Jul 13
Posts: 301

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-09-13 07:29:05

The (so called) Juvenile, Muhammad Afroz escaped death penalty. He should also get death sentence. & all execution as early as possible..
Is there some religious angle involved in this.

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1233
Location: India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-15 08:02:21

Instead of a speedy trial in Supreme Court and dispensation of justice, the BJP government has been sleeping on the case for the last 10 months. Now that they may be exposed worldwide for their inaction, are trying to ban the documentary from being telecast on flimsy grounds.

While the SC has all the time in the world for politicians like JJ, Mayawati or MNCs like Vodafone, the Nirbhaya parents have been waiting for over an year for the SC to take up the case.

Our politicians being what they are, the accused might have been sitting next to Obama as Republic Day invitees for all we know.

That most of the people who are in positions of responsibility both in government and judiciary might be having at home daughters or even grand daughters of Nirbhaya's age makes us wonder all the more why this inordinate delay? Is it because women are more unsafe when men around are more aged?


Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 938
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-15 11:02:07

The BBC documentary showing a true picture of Indian society.

A Delhite in Toronto

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 344
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-15 11:41:50

CBC is going to show the documentary INDIA'S DAUGHTER on this sunday...

The FB post on CBC about the schedule has so many embarrassing comments directed towards India.

Feeling ashamed myself of reading such views towards whole Indian community, just because of some morons in India decided to do a rape & then some other moron decided to make documentary to show the whole world


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-15 12:39:04

But that highlights the culture of lawlessness , eve teasing , violence , patriarchal attitude prevalent in India in most parts if not all. Most of the incidents go un reported.

The more these things would be highlighted , the more the system may be forced to correct itself ... if it may. I hope Delhi Police is different from what it was 4-5 years back.

But yes ( contradicting myself ) the media does tend to over blow things ..... Haven't seen it but I m assuming BBC would not .


Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 938
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-03-15 18:41:45

Where the Indian society heading towards? Watch the stupid arguments of these 2 defense lawyers.

A Delhite in Toronto

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