Salary should be accepted through cheque or cash !

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Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 261

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-14 11:50:05

Thanks fellows for your valuable input. so I should not accept a cash job in the first place. I would also like someone to confirm if getting salary in cash is an offence ! The jobs I am talking about are advertised on credible job search site, few of them are indeed, workopolis, cajob, etc. How about the weekend and part time jobs, I guess they can't be direct deposit and are usually cash ,
I have one more question, ... usually what is the nature of job contracts that we are offered. Is it easy to switch to another job anytime or we are supposed to complete the contract. Like I get a cashier job at any superstore initially and manage to get the job of my profession soon after. What is the way I can leave cashier job and join the the next. Please share.

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 2873
Location: Western Hemisphere

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-14 12:59:45

Cash payment is not illegal. It's just unusual since it may lead in you not receiving a tax statement which in turn says a lot about the employer.

Normally, there are no set time period contracts. Therefore, you may quit anytime. It's usually a courtesy to provide the employer some notice so they can hire a replacement. But, that courtesy is a two way street.

A professional employment agreement is mostly "at will", i.e., both the employer and employee can quit each other at any time.


Member since: Jul 03
Posts: 2713
Location: Kitchener, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-14 22:10:51

Originally posted by Hasni

Thanks fellows for your valuable input. so I should not accept a cash job in the first place. I would also like someone to confirm if getting salary in cash is an offence ! The jobs I am talking about are advertised on credible job search site, few of them are indeed, workopolis, cajob, etc. How about the weekend and part time jobs, I guess they can't be direct deposit and are usually cash ,
I have one more question, ... usually what is the nature of job contracts that we are offered. Is it easy to switch to another job anytime or we are supposed to complete the contract. Like I get a cashier job at any superstore initially and manage to get the job of my profession soon after. What is the way I can leave cashier job and join the the next. Please share.

I am just curious did someone put up a job advertisement on a job site and they told you they can only pay by cash? Also which retail chain pays their cashier $20 per hour?

I have not seen any company pay by cash even if the work is intermittent like through job agencies, etc. I guess it would be too much hassle for the companies to deal in cash.

Now if you are not on payroll and you are paid by cash, that is another story. It is highly unlikely you will ever see these jobs advertised anywhere because it is not legal.

A contract usually lists the notice period.

Give free food ||

Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 261

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-10-14 03:20:47

Thanks TK and Dimple for clarification.

Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 261

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-10-14 04:53:55

Dear raj, i never said that advertised jobs are mentioning salaries to be paid by cash, prob you didn't read me post correctly. And neither I said that any cashier jobs has been advertised for $20, but just asked if a $20, job is offered, what would be my take home :). I just wanted to to gather some info about how to deal if you come across an offer. Hope it clarifies. Cheers

Member since: Aug 11
Posts: 1041

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-10-14 10:14:33

Originally posted by Hasni

Thanks fellows for your valuable input. so I should not accept a cash job in the first place. I would also like someone to confirm if getting salary in cash is an offence ! The jobs I am talking about are advertised on credible job search site, few of them are indeed, workopolis, cajob, etc. How about the weekend and part time jobs, I guess they can't be direct deposit and are usually cash ,
I have one more question, ... usually what is the nature of job contracts that we are offered. Is it easy to switch to another job anytime or we are supposed to complete the contract. Like I get a cashier job at any superstore initially and manage to get the job of my profession soon after. What is the way I can leave cashier job and join the the next. Please share.

There is no such thing as credible job sites..some are paid and some are free. Any Tom Dick & Harry can post on websites like indeed , workopolis , cajob for a few bucks.

These sites don't vouch for or guarantee any of the jobs. They are only advertisers and only care about how much someone pays to put an ad there , that's all. You are supposed to do due deligence.

You can quit a job whenever you want. But usually people give a 2 week notice before quitting. They can also fire you whenever they want.

Feel free to take any job you want ( as long as its not a scam job where someone is using you ) & keep on looking for a job in your field & quit the moment you find that job.

Most contracts are illegal , they can't force you to stay if you don't want to. Its not like bonded labour or slavery. They can fire you or you can quit whenever you want, within valid reasons.

Member since: Mar 14
Posts: 261

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-10-14 01:21:34

Thanks adamthroat, what I meant by credible was that they don't advertise any scam job. A lot of my friends have got jobs through these sites. Thanks anyway

Contributors: Hasni(5) adamthorat(3) dimple2001(2) tamilkuravan(2) san-hugo(1) rajcanada(1)

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