I again had a chance of visiting the BLS International center at Brampton.
These guys are openly scamming unsuspecting customers. I saw the BLS agent at the counter next to me fooling 4 white women applying for Indian Visa.
When it is time to charge, the agent simply added the courier fees to the total amount without telling them that they have the option of picking the documents at the center.
They have an arrangement with Fedex and they want all customers receive documents by courier. I suspect that even the agents get a commission if they charge courier fees to the customers.
When you go to these BLS centers please ask the agent to breakdown the amount they charge you.
This is TRUE ..... Happened to me last year.
The issue is most of us... when we go BLS or any Govt/semi Govt instrtitute, we are kind of scared and wants to get things done without any unnecessary issue .
so we don't ask , we don't check anything ,just follow watever agent say and trying to finish the job smoothly and get out asap.
Agents are smart they use that fear to cheat us.
We basically treat any govt officer as GOD.
'Some goals are so worthy, it's glorious even to fail.' (Param Vir Chakra awardee Lt. Manoj Pandey)
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