Hi I have recently mover to Calgary. I am looking for a place as soon as possible may be paying guest thing also. I will be out in the field for most of the time.
Please let me know if anyone has anysuggestions.
let us know if it is true. I believe it is jobs galore there
Nothing like that, Janmeja.
I have been here in Calgary for about 1 & half year but still looking for a better job. Ofcourse I am in sales & jobs that we get are entry-level jobs in retail sales, tele-sales, etc.
It depends on the field you are in. Lots of jobs in engineering, s/w development, construction, truck-drivers, labour, entry-level jobs like Mcdonalds, Tim Hortons, newspaper delivery, security, etc.
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U have mentioned s/w development ......... Are there ready jobs available in that @ Calgary v/s Vancouver . I understand Toronto is ahead but so must be the supply also . Asking this as this cud be a major decison for landing .
Manasvi .
Lot's of Jobs in oilfield but mostly Labour jobs on the rigs or Skilled Technician jobs.
some Engineering jobs but for that you need a Canadian Degree plus you should be ready to work in the jungle and -40 degc.
Also be ready for the bust after the boom.
In oilfield the bust is big after the boom.
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