Need Information on immigration to Calgary from India!!

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Member since: Mar 13
Posts: 6

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-13 21:48:49

I recently got a offer in Calgary, Canada so I would like to know about the few points below:

1. How is Calgary weather and is it suitable for Indians?

2. Is 80K sal per annum is sufficent for a family of 3 (i.e. myself, wife and 8 months daughter).

3. What would be tax % deducted on the above salary and how much can i expect to get it to my hand if I join?

Please help me ASAP because I need to take the final decision on whether to move to Calgary or not in 1-2 days and provide my approval to the company.

Appreciate some quick responses.

Thanks a lot in advance.


Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 296
Location: Alberta

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-13 23:49:08

Its cold but you will get used to it after 1 or 2 winters . Calgary is beautiful place . 80k salary you have to pay tax approximately 30 to 35 % , Then consider house rent or mortgage around 1500 - 2000 . With this salary you can manage comfortable life , I am not sure about SAVINGS .
Let me know in which field r u working currently ?


Member since: Mar 13
Posts: 6

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-13 23:57:27

Thanks DSD for your valuable inputs. Oh we need to pay almost 30-35% tax for 80 K then it will come somewhere around 50-55K only after all deduction, so depending on that it will be like I get 4.5K per month. Is it correct?

Also for house rent any idea about from which range 1bhk starts in Calgary i.e. Min and Maximum I am looking for 1bhk only and are there any rules that if we have baby we need to take 2 bhk etc..?

I am working on Agile PLM so mostly my role will be Technical Support Analyst or Technical Systems Analyst.

Can you please clarify my above points..

Member since: Aug 12
Posts: 29

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-13 09:59:10

One BR will be between 1000-1500 . There is no restriction for BR to stay with/without child. Bus fare monthly pass-92. Grocery -800. Cable TV+ Internet+ Phone- 200. Other Expenses -1000. So in the end of month you will be left with 1000-1500 saving which is quite good with canadian standards.
Above estimates are for decent ,comfortable living . You can cut corners to save little bit more but in any case you can not save more then 2000-2500 PM in 80K salary.

Member since: Mar 13
Posts: 6

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-13 11:27:10

Thanks Agra for your details related to cost and expenses. Appreciate your time.

Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 70

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-13 14:11:36

You can get walk-in basement for around 800-1000 in North East Calgary, North East Calgary is were most of the Indians are. In case of apartments you will have to give rental reference and there will be lease, I would suggest that you avoid lease initially and stay on month to month basis in 3-4 months you will get a very good idea about Calgary and then decide what suits you best.

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 296
Location: Alberta

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 04-03-13 15:10:26

Initially you can stay in basement . At long run .. after 6-12 month once you build up your credit history , I suggest you to buy condo if your job is secure . That way you can increse your savings. I did the same thing in first 3 months I transfer my savings from india and bought condo and saving 50% of what I may pay for rent.


Contributors: joshi2028(6) dsd(4) crish(2) agrasaand(1)

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