Hello to all CD members,
First of all, Let me congratulate you all for your sincere efforts to help the fellow Desis. This is a wonderful meeting place.
I am planning to make an entry in Toronto for 10 days this October with my wife and daughter and after 2years only the final entry (to Calgary).
We wanted to keep the funds that we carry along with us in Canada only and the same time wanted to operate the account from Kuwait for the coming 2-3 years. Can anyone advice me about the same like the names of the banks and the type of account that we will have to open there upon entry.
Also please advice me the suitable mode of transferring the required funds (16,000 C$).
Dear Butterfly,
Go to HSBC Kuwait and open a account in HSBC Bank in Calgary directly and deposit the money in account. Later on you can also operate thru' HSBC Kuwait. I know HSBC has recently entered Kuwait and they are located somewhere close by to Sheraton area. You can locate them easily.
Take care. Bye for now.
Thank you very much for the prompt reply, see you later.
I checked it with HSBC Kuwait today and they deal only with corporate clients.
Do anybody have more suggestions other than ICICI ?
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