Apollo Hospital in the news again ..for wrong reasons..

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Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 133
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-11-06 04:48:46

Dear All,

I am herewith forwarding a link which is disgusting and shocking to hear. Medicine being a noble profession, I really do not understand how some
greedy Doctors can go to such an extend of removing an organ from a human
body for the sake of money that too from a Budding Engg Student from a poor
family. Please forward this mail to all your known and unknown friends so
that the guilty is punished by the public. Let us make a try to at least
boycott such hospitals.

Have a Nice Day!


Here are the details of an unfortunate incident that had taken place in
Apollo Hospital , Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh , India ..

A boy named Rahul(20) who was doing his engineering IIIrd year from
Karshak Engineering College was suffering from high fever and was
admitted to the Apollo hospital on Sunday, October 29th, 2006, in the
evening. The doctors said that the case was serious and admitted the boy
in the ICU which was closed from all sides. No one could see what was
happening inside.

At around 9 'o' clock Rahul called his father and told him that the
doctors were talking about removing the kidneys from his body and hence
he wanted them to take him away from there but since his father was from
a small village, he thought the boy was scared and so the father took no

In the night, the doctors at Apollo Hospital removed both the kidneys
from Rahul's body and killed the boy. The next day, i.e. on Monday when
the case came to light, the students of Karshak college made a big issue
and called the press from all over India because the police was not
letting them go inside the hospital. When the police saw the press, they
let the students in.

On seeing the body, the students could see stiches on both the sides of
the body just above abdomen that clearly proved that the kidneys were
removed. But the doctors somehow got hold of the boy's uncle and offered
him big money to end the case there. The Greedy Uncle agreed and took
the boys body back home and burned the body leaving behind no proof for
the students to prove that the kidneys were stolen. Rahul's family was
in a shock and not in senses and hence did not want to do anything.

Now its in the hands of we, the people of India , to decide whether we
want to forget the matter or spread the message and prevent more of such
cases from happening.

Please spread the word so that people can be saved from more of such

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 111

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-06 06:46:48


Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 133
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-11-06 13:05:25

Mr. Bala,

It was thru my network mail from one of my former collegue who is based in Hyderabad.


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