Why some Desi parents like this WRT their Children

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-03-07 13:50:21

Last week I had the previlage of going to a Desi millionare's house and having khana with him.
He and his wife migrated to Canada some years back from Kuwait. He has 2 children around 14-16 years of age. He has his own software services company.
I was speaking to his daughter and i was shocked to hear that she was working in a small Indian restaurant as a part time waitress. She gets hours between Friday evening to Sunday Night. She was so proud that she had got a job and that she was looking to working more hours if the company let her. He rparents were delighted that she has got a job.

My shock was due to the following reasons :

1. Could this time of waiting in the restaurant put to a more productive use like Library visit, Gym Visit (she is overweight),hanging out with friends, studies etc.. (remember her parents are multi millionares and could eaily afford her pocket money).

2. Even if she ever wanted to work, could she have not chosen a more decent profession / occupation like working in a bank, hospital or even in her father's software company?

3. Why would she choose after all this south indian restaurant which has a history of relieving the waitress of their tips, low wages and rough environment.

I fail to understand some Desi's logic in life.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Big Vee   
Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 456
Location: Canada-Glorious and Free

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-03-07 14:26:21

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Last week I had the previlage of going to a Desi millionare's house and having khana with him.
He and his wife migrated to Canada some years back from Kuwait. He has 2 children around 14-16 years of age. He has his own software services company.
I was speaking to his daughter and i was shocked to hear that she was working in a small Indian restaurant as a part time waitress. She gets hours between Friday evening to Sunday Night. She was so proud that she had got a job and that she was looking to working more hours if the company let her. He rparents were delighted that she has got a job.

My shock was due to the following reasons :

1. Could this time of waiting in the restaurant put to a more productive use like Library visit, Gym Visit (she is overweight),hanging out with friends, studies etc.. (remember her parents are multi millionares and could eaily afford her pocket money).

2. Even if she ever wanted to work, could she have not chosen a more decent profession / occupation like working in a bank, hospital or even in her father's software company?

3. Why would she choose after all this south indian restaurant which has a history of relieving the waitress of their tips, low wages and rough environment.

I fail to understand some Desi's logic in life.


The issue is not her / their / desi logic. I applaud her parents for letting her work for her money. That is perhaps what desi kid's need - character building! Learning not to mooch off anybody including your parents. Somehow visiting the gym, her friends or the library do not seem like that much of a character building excersice.

I am certain that she is not going to make a career out of waitressing but even if she did, who the hell are we to say if it is a decent career. That is true desi logic - assigning your character to the job you do!


Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 1721
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-03-07 15:18:21

Originally posted by tamilkuravan
I was speaking to his daughter and i was shocked to hear that she was working in a small Indian restaurant as a part time waitress. She gets hours between Friday evening to Sunday Night. She was so proud that she had got a job and that she was looking to working more hours if the company let her. He rparents were delighted that she has got a job.

Isn't that part of all Freedom and Independence???

The guy you said is coming from Kuwait - and that's why I think he is delighted to know that their teenage is working and 'Values' the Money. Teenage must understand that Money isn't easy. One has to work a lot hard to earn 'some'.

With this perticular Job, she will learn to be Patient.

Originally posted by tamilkuravan
1. Could this time of waiting in the restaurant put to a more productive use like Library visit, Gym Visit (she is overweight),hanging out with friends, studies etc.. (remember her parents are multi millionares and could eaily afford her pocket money).

Waitress's job is not Easy - she will walk a Lot & will be standing whole day ... Gym is for office going people - who stays infront of computers and posts on forum like canadiandesi (including me) ;) .
She will make friends also.

Don't worry - she'll be fine. She'll hang out :cheers:

Originally posted by tamilkuravan
2. Even if she ever wanted to work, could she have not chosen a more decent profession / occupation like working in a bank, hospital or even in her father's software company?

You said, she is overwight.

Originally posted by tamilkuravan
3. Why would she choose after all this south indian restaurant which has a history of relieving the waitress of their tips, low wages and rough environment.

They are 'Multi Millionaire' - Money is not an Issue.

Originally posted by tamilkuravan
I fail to understand some Desi's logic in life.TK A

I see so many youngsters working in Restaurants. White, Black, Brown, Yellow - everyone. So how is it problem of 'Desi's Logic'?

I fail to understand your Logic in Life.

Originally posted by Big Vee
That is true desi logic - assigning your character to the job you do!

Bingo !!!

Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 234

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-03-07 23:46:29

Every coin has 2 sides. She may very well start smoking after being in contact with some "rough elements" for e.g. and justify that is my money and I can do/buy/spend however I want to.


Member since: Feb 05
Posts: 1920
Location: British Columbia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 13-03-07 23:57:32

Originally posted by Mercury

Every coin has 2 sides. She may very well start smoking after being in contact with some "rough elements" for e.g. and justify that is my money and I can do/buy/spend however I want to.


A 16 year ought to be old enough to decide right from wrong - and what consequences are. Someday when this youth has to go out into the world on their own they need to have the self confidence to choose wisely for themselves.
Same with the freedom that comes with being financially independant.

~ Morning rain

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 1721
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-03-07 15:03:28

Originally posted by Mercury

Every coin has 2 sides. She may very well start smoking after being in contact with some "rough elements" for e.g. and justify that is my money and I can do/buy/spend however I want to.


if thats the case, whats the gurantee that she wont do at later stage of life?

Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...

Member since: Aug 05
Posts: 234

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-03-07 21:50:22

Originally posted by Maharaj

Originally posted by Mercury

Every coin has 2 sides. She may very well start smoking after being in contact with some "rough elements" for e.g. and justify that is my money and I can do/buy/spend however I want to.


if thats the case, whats the gurantee that she wont do at later stage of life?

No Guarantee but that will happen may be after 18 or 20 years . She is suppose to be mature enough. However I still can't agree with that. That's my personal opinion.
I have see enough of this bull**** where kids are very rude with the parents. Economic independence makes it worst. University level they seem to caml down.


Contributors: blabber(7) Fido(7) tamilkuravan(5) chandresh(5) morning_rain(4) Maharaj(3) jake3d(3) jayaram(2) Mercury(2) Big Vee(1) Yaro(1) bjork(1) puttoo(1) Desi Raja(1) JRF(1) regar(1)

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