Any suggestions would help in my situation. I need to apply for my passport but I do not know any gurantor to sign my application. I got an in-lieu form from the passport office that require additional 2 references and reasoning why I can't find a gurantor. They also indicated in absence of gurantor, this process might take longer time. I am very confused. Has any one been in this situation or suggest something.
Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by smiley_look
Any suggestions would help in my situation. I need to apply for my passport but I do not know any gurantor to sign my application. I got an in-lieu form from the passport office that require additional 2 references and reasoning why I can't find a gurantor. They also indicated in absence of gurantor, this process might take longer time. I am very confused. Has any one been in this situation or suggest something.
Thanks in advance.
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