Please let me know how many days PCC is valid ?
We have applied for new PCC at passport office three weeks back, after 10 days police verification was done and now we are waiting for it. What is normal waiting time to get back PCC and Passport back.
As we have already earlier submitted PCC and got Visa stamped and received landing papers 10 months back. My agent told me that PCC is valid only for 6 months, Do they ask for PCC at landing time ?
Originally posted by cool1980s
Please let me know how many days PCC is valid ?
We have applied for new PCC at passport office three weeks back, after 10 days police verification was done and now we are waiting for it. What is normal waiting time to get back PCC and Passport back.
As we have already earlier submitted PCC and got Visa stamped and received landing papers 10 months back. My agent told me that PCC is valid only for 6 months, Do they ask for PCC at landing time ?
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