How is vancouver for climate wise, job related. Indian people
Is it a good Idea to move Vancouver from toronto.
Hi Andy,
Toronto is much different than BC, many ways
It is more cold - you know that, but according to me once you have seen 0 to -5, -10 or -15 doesn't make much difference
There are lots of Indian here - you will surprise to see them wandering on streets. Last year one of my friend ( and member of this site) came from BC to Toronto and was happy to see it. He has decided to move here permenantly.
Jobwise difficult to say, but this is engineering capital of Canada.
A Proud Indian Canadian
Hurat Honani Murat!
It really depends on the reason for moving. For we all, it is a matter of good job prospect, the reason we came to Canada. So in my view, if u r getting a real good jump from the current situation, you should go for it. Once we are out of India, does the place matters much???
Sunil Sharma, P.Eng.
oops Andy!
I read that you are moving from BC to Toronto, but you are doing reverse!
There are no good jobs in BC. I have one freind who landed to BC and then moved to Calgary as he could not get any job!
A Proud Indian Canadian
Vancouver has the best climate in Canada. We had a very mild winter this year [so far ...]. Was very sunny yesterday and a bit foggy in places at night. Generally, the cold isn'r too much of an issue in Vancouver.
Jobwise, I think there are more prospects in Toronto but most of my clients have no difficulty finding employment in Vancouver. It also depends very much how flexible you and how desperate you are for a job. I don't know what field you are in ... so can't comment on specifics.
There are people of all sorts in Vancouver but I wouldn't claim that it's just like Toronto. Vancouver has a large Asian population (Chinese, Japanese etc). It is also the place with the largest Sikh population ourside India. There are lots of Indian shops, restaurants etc etc. If you want to be close to and among Indians, move to North Surrey.
Good luck!
Massood Joomratty, LLB(Hons), LLM" target="_blank">Your Canadian Immigration Lawyer" rel="nofollow">LINK
Hi Every One,
I am landing Toronto in early March and being a civil enginner from India can any one suggest me which place(Toronto/ Vancouver) would be better for construction Jobs.
New desi
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