Sub: Legal name change leading to delay in applying for citizenship.
Just need an advise from this forum. Upon divorce , i did a legal last name change in canada. I have been waiting to apply for my Citizenship for past 5months and following has been the hinderance despite my meeting all other criterias.
I will be very grateful if you could go through this link and let me knw if i provide CIC with the following will it be sufficient :
1) Copy of both Health cards with old name and new name.
2) Legal name change document provided by registrar general of Ontario showing old name and new (will this serve as a linking doc they are asking for????)
Am confirming this from you because, i called CIC and some reps claim that we require to provide 2 provincial ids ie health card and drivers license. (I dont drive and i have been waiting for past 4 mnths to get a G1 only for citizenship purposes but they are on strike)
At the same time other reps said i can apply without a drivers license but will have to provide a letter stating why she does not have another provincial id.
Should i go ahead and apply with these two ids. Hope it wont show our application as incomplete....or should i just wait for the strike to end and then apply with a drivers license.
Kindly advise.
Warm Regards,
Originally posted by Neetu80
Sub: Legal name change leading to delay in applying for citizenship.
Just need an advise from this forum. Upon divorce , i did a legal last name change in canada. I have been waiting to apply for my Citizenship for past 5months and following has been the hinderance despite my meeting all other criterias.
I will be very grateful if you could go through this link and let me knw if i provide CIC with the following will it be sufficient :
1) Copy of both Health cards with old name and new name.
2) Legal name change document provided by registrar general of Ontario showing old name and new (will this serve as a linking doc they are asking for????)
Am confirming this from you because, i called CIC and some reps claim that we require to provide 2 provincial ids ie health card and drivers license. (I dont drive and i have been waiting for past 4 mnths to get a G1 only for citizenship purposes but they are on strike)
At the same time other reps said i can apply without a drivers license but will have to provide a letter stating why she does not have another provincial id.
Should i go ahead and apply with these two ids. Hope it wont show our application as incomplete....or should i just wait for the strike to end and then apply with a drivers license.
Kindly advise.
Warm Regards,
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