Originally posted by BlueLobster
Originally posted by Iceberg
Smart investors have over 200 to 300k in their TFSA.
Though I would not call them smart any more as CRA is cracking down on them. They made this by swaps which were legal then - however CRA nows deems this as manipulative to transfer gains from RSP to TFSA. One has to be very prudent in what they do.
I'm genuinely curious too. What're we laymen missing here?
Quote:OK, now I understand what you meant by "swap" - it's simply the switching or transferring between two types of accounts.
Originally posted by Iceberg
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
That's quite the loophole, but sounds very reliant on how your stocks behave based on the example given in the article. To me, it sounds like more trouble than its worth, if you can find this kind of a magical stock, just keep dealing in the TFSA on your 15K and you'll be quite rich anyways, albeit still pay taxes on your RRSP withdrawal.
I'm glad they caught it and closed it though.
Are you there?
Can you keep US funds in TFSA?
If yes, does anyone know of the brokerage firm that will allow the trading of US equities in US funds and allow US funds in TFSA (not convert the funds back in CAD after the US equity is sold)?
Originally posted by Diego
Can you keep US funds in TFSA?
Quote:Yes, Questrade.
If yes, does anyone know of the brokerage firm that will allow the trading of US equities in US funds and allow US funds in TFSA (not convert the funds back in CAD after the US equity is sold)?
"Mah deah, there is much more money to be made in the destruction of civilization than in building it up."
-- Rhett Butler in "Gone with the Wind"
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