Looking for help - Permanent Resident since June 6, 2008 never left the country, preparing Citizenship application for myself and my family. Couple of questions:
1. Can i have comprehensive list of Docs from experienced Desi's on the subject?
2. Should File my application separately from my Wife/kids?
3. What is average timeline for London, ON in processing these applications
I will appreciate all input on this subject, already late while working.
Thanking you guys/gals in advance
Hey Guys - No comments Yet
I have seen in one of the discussion, someone put together great List to be attached to the application. Could you refer the thread?
Fido - Can you help please?
Originally posted by Justin
Hey Guys - No comments Yet
I have seen in one of the discussion, someone put together great List to be attached to the application. Could you refer the thread?
Fido - Can you help please?
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