Indian Population 125 Carore V/s. Canadian Population 3 Carore

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Member since: Dec 03
Posts: 6
Location: Bandra (West) , Bombay

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-04 01:37:23

Mujhe Ab yeh Khayal atta hai ki Duniya me jo kuch bhi Advance technology,medicine ,automobile ,science new envansion every thing for the human being ultimatly users are Human and when canada has so less human how can their be more chance to more job and Business, China and India having highst population in the world minse higher chace of Business and job, can we disscuss this issue

Member since: Apr 04
Posts: 245
Location: London, UK

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-04 08:59:36

What is population of Indians in Canada?


A person is never more on trial than in a moment of excessive good fortune.

Member since: May 04
Posts: 68

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-04 20:27:03

Orginally posted by BALMUKUND

Mujhe Ab yeh Khayal atta hai ki Duniya me jo kuch bhi Advance technology,medicine ,automobile ,science new envansion every thing for the human being ultimatly users are Human and when canada has so less human how can their be more chance to more job and Business, China and India having highst population in the world minse higher chace of Business and job, can we disscuss this issue

it is not the population that determines volumes of business but rather the spending power of the people. The west......or North America and Europe still has a lit of spending power...which determines the business as well as new innovation.

Lately India and China have come up big economies with huge middle class with good or average spending power which is the reason why businesses are moving and setting up shop in these places BUT ... due to under-develeoped economies, low infrastucture, high poppulation and lot and lot of social issues...these countries will remain as developing countries even though their consumption may overtake that of west..... the developed countries will still remain in control of world markets and a driving force in economic and social patterns.


Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 169
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 09-06-04 20:46:06

I wonder if asli balmukund could ask this question.... I feel something is phoney here..:evil: I can see a smoking gun...

What goes around comes around...

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