Hey everyone, this is my first post here as I was pointed towards this website in order to help me find a job while I'm staying up here in Canada . Doesn't matter what job or anything like that, I enjoy manual labor, and I have background in webpage and graphic design (I have 2 certificates of competency, both in Digital Multimedia and webpage design through my High School that I attended in California) so I know how to use a multitude of programs, and I've been trying to find a job since I came here but to say the least they have been far and few between without me owning a SIN card. So if anyone could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it . I'm currently residing in Pickering Ontario, but commutes to areas like Toronto or around that area are also no problem.
Strange friend , but if you want people to help out you will have to give more details like your status , student , work permit , PR … etc your education and experience
Jai Hind .....
Pretty much, my experience is about 2-3 months of telemarketing work, and about 3-4 years of graphic/webpage design. I'm not currently a student, and I don't currently have a work permit (since you have to actually have a job offer waiting, and have an employer who's actually willing to go through all of the hassle of working with Human Resources Department Canada, which I've found so far not many are willing to). My educations is only graduation of high school, since I moved up here right after I graduated :P.
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