How to go school without school transport !

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Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 3252

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-14 17:17:49

Originally posted by happywoman36

I think, the time has come, we have to fight for school bus for our children. We are ready to pay for it. I think walking 1 km is alright but after that, children should be provided bus esp during winter. Normally junior school are within 1 km so, let children walk to nearest school and rest of the travel should be in school bus. This wil help parents to go to work after leaving children in school bus otherwise one of the parent has to dedicatedly leave the child to school and collect which makes it difficult and then they have to work night shifts. Just a thought. :)

The sad truth is you can't change institutional policies unless you lobby hard. You need to have other parents (in large numbers) to support and sign the petition and to make a viable noise in the community. Once you will have the required numbers, you can then approach the authorities, including Principal, MP, Media, etc.

I am not sure, how it will change the transportation policies if you're the only one (or a small number of parents) asking for this privilege. My opinion after living in this country for 9 years is, the exceptions to the norm are very hard to get implemented.

Start with the petition; and see what you could gather.

- Ask your wife to take driving lessons, and learn how to drive (simplest of them all)
- find kids-carpooling services, of-course at a cost; or
- move within the comfortable walk to the school.
- change the school to the one near you.

Good luck!

Member since: May 10
Posts: 274

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-06-14 19:24:57

Thanks TK. That was an error on my part.

Having said that - I still believe that we are a very demanding lot. We trouble and harass with our frivolous demands. Just because we are paying taxes - does not mean that we ask for exceptions / accommodations - where not required.

14 year olds here do summer jobs - why can't they take public transport or walk to school? They must be taught to acclimatise to the conditions. They will eventually have to do all kinds of work in this weather when they grow up - including looking after their own property.

I think DEMANDING special facilities in this case - is not justified.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-06-14 01:55:28

I appreciate your answer.
It would be very unfair of Immigrants to be demanding when they are well settled but for people like Hasni, who are new immigrants, the system should do more (more than just conducting ESL classes)

Murali Krishna

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: May 10
Posts: 274

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-06-14 09:26:22

This thread has digressed - apologies...

Putting oneself/a whole group of people above another - is racism. If a local was to say the same about anyone - what would be your reaction? It is very sad when an immigrant looks down upon other immigrants. So, we are the best and it was the best decision to allow us here - but it is THOSE people who are spoiling it.

I think we need to internalize - and also understand that this is a land of equality. We are doing nothing great or extraordinary by paying "taxes" - it is our share. If we make more - then we pay more. It is proportionate to our income.

I have seen people of 75-80yrs old volunteering. Most crossing guards are of that age. They brave the harsh weather and are always there in the mornings and afternoons. People in this country believe in volunteering - which is giving back to society...... We are so busy DEMANDING and screaming what we WANT and is your RIGHT from society. That is the fundamental difference.

What we need to learn is community living - where we are not putting ourselves on pedestals - merely because we perceive that we are paying for everything and that this whole society is "thriving" from the taxes "we pay".....

This country was like this "before" we came here.... And not because of us..... That is why we chose to come here. What we will end up doing is - making a beautiful thing ugly - because we were unable to understand it - like killing the golden goose.

Don't ask what the country can do for you - ask what you can do for the country.....

Member since: Feb 13
Posts: 27
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-06-14 12:01:02

My son walks just under 2km to school everyday - rain, shine or snow. He has three other children from the same school for company. My son admits that the walk to and from school is the best part of his day and he and his friends enjoy this tremendously.

I had a pick & drop service but had to cancel it after three months because my son didn't want it.

When in Canada, imbibe the Canadian way of life!!

Contributors: tamilkuravan(5) geetakhanna(4) Hasni(4) sudesingh(3) febpreet(1) Dazzle(1) JRF(1)

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