What changes happened regarding these dates?

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Member since: Apr 16
Posts: 8

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-04-16 16:24:14

I?m filling out the request for Canadian Citizenship Certification and am also looking at the passport application.

Two dates ranges are commonly asked about. (1) January 1, 1947, and, (2) February 15, 1977 to April 16, 1982.

I assume this has something to do with changes in immigration law with regard to those time periods.

Does anyone know what changes happened that pertains to:

1. January 1, 1947?

2. February 15, 1977 to April 16, 1982?

Thanks so much.

Full House   
Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 2677

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-04-16 18:17:25

I can write and tell you about each period and you can also read and get to know what it is based upon from the titles and the links provided here under.

It is a Thesis and I cannot abridge the same. The law books will be atleast 1000 pages each. But getting to know the concept is, what that counts and knowing what it is that you are looking for and the answers that you sought with your questions, I am sure you do qualify to claim your Canadian Citizenship, just by providing them with the answers to the questions that they ask in their application forms. You can also request for any details missing at your end, by writing and asking the Citizenship Department and each query will take 8-10 months for them to answer, so expect a prolonged session with them.

On the contrary if you have all the answers to the questions, then you will be a Canadian next year around the same time, when the Grass is Rizz and the Spring comes hopping like the bunny.

So, please read on and get to know about Canadian Immigration and the rule changes and what it is that they base it upon.

Good Luck and Happy Hunting.







Originally posted by alvindark123.fb

I?m filling out the request for Canadian Citizenship Certification and am also looking at the passport application.

Two dates ranges are commonly asked about. (1) January 1, 1947, and, (2) February 15, 1977 to April 16, 1982.

I assume this has something to do with changes in immigration law with regard to those time periods.

Does anyone know what changes happened that pertains to:

1. January 1, 1947?

2. February 15, 1977 to April 16, 1982?

Thanks so much.

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