Hi All,
My Situaltion is little weird, I'm PR(Permanent Resident) of canada and working in US on H1b Visa, my wife was also with me in US on H4 visa but she was not a PR of canada at that time, She went back to india couple of months back and lost her passport there. Now she has a new passport and recently she got immigration for Canada. And she will be coming to toronto.
I want to bring her here in US on H4 visa, Is it possible she can get the H4 VIsa from Toronto US consulate or she has to get the first H4 visa( first in new passport) from india only.
All suggesstions will be welcomed.
and lost her passport there.
Hi ,
first of all thanks for the reply. Yes she was having H4 visa on her old passport which would have still valid.
She didn't keep the copy of I-94 before submitting. So now no I-94 also. But do you think if she is at all eligible to get the H4 from toronto. Cause I heard from somebody that first visa you have to get from your home country. First visa here I mean first h4 on new passport.
Pls Advise.
First visa here I mean first h4 on new passport.
Thanks tammudu for such a guidence, now assume if she gets her H4 visa from india and come to canada as an immigrant. Do you think there will be any issues/problem while getting her canadain citizenship. Or what kind of problem can occur during that time.
Why I am asking this is, getting PR and before even landing getting H4 then landing may pop up something in the mind of immigration peoples or judge (during citizenship) that person doesn't have any intension to stay here, she just needs PR as a backup.
What's your view.
if she gets her H4 visa from india and come to canada as an immigrant. Do you think there will be any issues/problem while getting her canadain citizenship.
H4 then landing may pop up something in the mind of immigration peoples or judge (during citizenship) that person doesn't have any intension to stay here, she just needs PR as a backup.
Hi tammudu
Your info. gave me lot of help and finally my wife got H4 visa from toronto consulate. It was a good experience, visa officer asked lot of questions but still the end result was good.
She got the visa.
Thanks for your nice eloborated info. Keep it up.
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